Can anyone read this? Or know about counties/possible townships in virginia?
Does someone know this place in Virginia? I believe it is a county like it says at the top but I am not sure. It says county of _____ at the top, and then the first two entries for residence also say ______. Help Please!
batch code:
Best Answer
That birth County and Father's Residence is Chas City. Since the field helps says not to correct abbreviations you would type it Chas City. In reality, it is Charles City County. On No. 12 it is Henrico County.
The Birth City would be rendered Blank. We don't index information from the header on these per the field helps: Do not assume the name of the birth city, village, or township from other information in the document. Do not index the city listed in the header of the register.
We don't use Unreadable if it is legible. That is only for information that is unreadable due to a bad image or an ink blot, or missing papers, etc.
The child's given name in 1 is Ann C.