Why can't we edit information that we know to be wrong?
I found that someone was noted down as my grandfather and he wasn't he was my step grandfather. We do not know who my dad's father was as he was adopted. This stepgrandfather married my grandmother several years after my dad was born. There have been other instances too and I find it very frustrating that we cannot edit
Best Answers
Short Answer: 'Yes', you CAN "Change" the "Parent-Child" Relationship, from "Biological", to "Step".
Here is how ...
▬ Get the "Person/Details" page/screen for you Father.
▬ Go down to the "Family Members" Section at the bottom section of the page/screen.
▬ Where you Father appears in that Family (ie. "Parent-Child" Relationship)
.... Go to that "Pencil" 'Icon' of the 'right-hand-side', select that.
▬ That brings up a "Pop-Up" (ie. 'Modal') 'Window', of that particular "Parent-Child" Relationship.
▬ At the "Top", you will 'see', Father.
▬ Just below the Father's "Details" you will 'see', "Relationship to Child"
▬ Depending of the "Relation Type" that is recorded, you will, either, 'see'
(1) "Relationship Type"
..... Select that
..... That brings up a "Pop-Up" (ie. 'Modal') 'Window', of "Add Parent-Child Relationship Type"
..... Select that "V" of the 'right-hand-side'
..... Select "Step"; and, Add a 'Date' and "Reason" - Save
(2) a particular type, usually, "Biological" (or, maybe, "Adoptive"; or, "Foster"; or, "Guardianship"; or, "Step")
..... Select that "Edit", to the 'right', of whatever type is there
..... That brings up a "Pop-Up" (ie. 'Modal') 'Window', of "Edit (?) Relationship"
..... Select "Step"; and, Add a 'Date' and "Reason" - Save
▬ Done = Your Father's "Parent-Child" Relationship has been "Changed"
.... [ The "Step" reference (with a 'Date') will NOW appear in that "Family" Section.
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I correct parent-child relationships in Family Tree?
How do I add step, adopted, and foster parents to a child in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.
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