Family History/Tree Form in Germany Language
I have a German relative that was raised in East Germany and does not speak or read English. He read and speaks both German and Russian. I would like to send him a family history form that he could complete and return to me. But the form would need to be in German. Can anyone share or tell we where I might find this type of document that I could print and send to him?
Thank You
Carl Below
Best Answer
Hello @CarlBelow,
When signed onto this site (Communities) you can go to the upper right where it designates the language the site is showing or using. Mine is English. You can change the language there to Deutsch or any of many other languages.
On the Family Tree site you can change the language that Family Tree shows or uses by going to the bottom left of any page and click on the language icon. Mine shows English, but I can change it to Deutsch by clicking on the English and choosing Deutsch from the drop down menu.
Now you can print blank forms in any language of your choosing by using this Help Center article:
How do I print a blank pedigree chart or family group record.
Hope this helps.
Anitra, mod