Birth record names - recording the "Jr" (Junior) after a surname
Best Answer
Hi Sandra
You would not include "Jr" in the surname field. If the type of batch you are working on has a "Title and Terms" field, you would enter it there. Most batches I have seen do not have a "Title and Terms" field.
Check the Project Instructions on the batch you are working on and look at the samples shown and also the General Indexing Guidelines in the batch you are working on.
Best wishes
P.S. The newer fields for Titles and Terms are labeled as Prefixes or Suffixes. (Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc. for Prefixes and Jr., Sr., II, III, etc. for Suffixes).
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Is there a newer full PDF of instructions. I have one dated 2013 but it is useful as it covers some situations not given online in the batch and General Indexing Guidelines.
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No, Maureen, there doesn't seem to be one yet. I think it would be delightful to have a new User Guide.
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I would certainly put my vote in for a new User Guide as it would help with any doubts I have.
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I have checked the Project Instructions on the batch of birth certificates that I am working on and looked at the samples shown and also the General Indexing Guidelines for the batch I am working on. No where does it mention listing a suffix of "Jr." after the surname of the new born child or "Sr" after the father so I will not include those.
Thank you all for your help.