Where do marriage events go when a couple is unlinked?

I have numerous situations where someone comes along and unlinks a marriage. When that occurs, I can't find the marriage event to restore if I relink the couple. I'm unable to find that deleted event in the change log for either the husband or wife.
Where did the event go and where is the ability to restore that event to those individuals?
Best Answers
You should be able to see the events in the change log. Refer to https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/how-do-i-see-what-changes-have-been-made-about-a-person-in-family-tree
When you are in the change log, you can filter on marriage (at the bottom of the filter list). Once you see the event you want, click on reference on the right. You can then restore the event you want.
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It is possible that the change log of the final record you are looking at may not contain the marriage information if it came from another record that was merged into the final record. You may have to go to the merged record (now deleted) and look at that change log to find the marriage information.
I, too, often "lose" a marriage event when making a merge. I assume it is because I haven't concentrated and omitted to bring the marriage event details over from the record of the individual who is disappearing. Regardless of reason, I usually find the detail in the marriage source record that has moved across in the merge. A little annoying having to input the detail "again", so I will have to see if this problem is avoidable, next time I undertake a merge that includes marriage details only on the record about to be "deleted".