Access to FamilySearch messages
Best Answer
Firstly, I am sorry if my comments confused you. I am usually working within Family Tree when I send messages and realise the Messages section is really part of the FamilySearch website.
Thanks for the screenshot. I am surprised you are still getting the errors messages from this point, as I have not experienced a similar problem over the last couple of days. Sometimes a problem relates to a particular server (I am inclined to use Firefox most of the time), but problems can occur on Mondays, when most of the site maintenance work is carried out.
If the problem persists, you could try switching to another browser, or contact Support (directly, by email) to see if this is a known problem or if they have any solution.
Incidentally, the "Community section" is right where I am typing this response and into which your issue has appeared. There is an envelope icon at the top of the page, which should contain details of any private messages you have been sent relating to the posts you have made that have found their way to this Community section of FamilySearch.
Same problem for me. For several days, I get the generic 'oops' page when trying to access messages. Using Firefix browser on a Windows PC. Tried obvious fixes, pretty sure the issue is on famlysearch's end.
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Thanks for the response...I'm using Safari on a Mac. Would be great it there was a link to contact them to ask the question. Maybe someone else knows the secret code to reach them?
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Have you tried logging on to FamilySearch to see if you can trace the messages from within the site? You seem to be relying on dodgy links shown in emails, instead of checking the Community section of FamilySearch or the "Family Tree" Messages section, to see if a user is trying to contact you. It doesn't sound like that, but your detail is so vague (no mention of URLs or accompanying text with the messages) that you are not really providing enough information to get the issue resolved.
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Thanks for the response...but I don't know what other info I can provide. I received an E-mail and tried linking from that message...error message. Went to Family Search and checked the little messages icon which showed me the 2 messages. Tried opening them...error message. There is no Messages section under the Family Tree heading and I haven't been able to find the Community section you reference? Here's all I get when I click the messages icon:
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Gracias por comunicarse con FamilySearch. Entendemos que usted está intentando [pregunta o problema del usuario reafirmando tal como usted lo entienda-
Nos gustaría ayudarle a corregir este problema; sin embargo, necesitamos que nos proporcione más información Envíenos [información necesaria]. Para asegurar que su correo electrónico vuelva directamente, asegúrese de utilizar la función de respuesta de correo electrónico en lugar de crear un correo electrónico nuevo. Con esta información, podremos investigar su problema. Esperamos con interés que nos responda pronto.
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Interesting what is happening with your mail,
If you are receiving emails from FamilySearch and not able to open them, I suggest you to do you housekeeping on you computer:
Clear FamilySearch cookies
Clear your browser cookies
Change your browser
If the problem persist please report the problem by email to Support Family tree, provide the link, o captured image from the message you get. A case will be created, the engineers need to know this problem.
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Thanks to Paul W., easiest solution was to switch to Firefox. Clearing cookies, particularly browser cookies, a real evolution in then having to reactivate all the used sites that no longer know who I am.
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I am experiencing the same problem with FamilySearch Messages on my Mac using Safari that Carl reported, but I can access Messages on my iPhone and iPad. I installed Firefox on the Mac and don't have a problem with Messages now.
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I am using a Mac, and my browser is Safari. I have not been able to access messages within Family Search for months. I keep getting that same Opps message that others mentioned above. I'm not trying to access them from email, but directly within Family Search through the messages icon. I now have half a dozen messages building up that I cannot read, or answer. Please help!
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I am having the same problem as you Paula. I thought the capacity is full on that one message. Start a new message but that didn't work either. There is a stalemate between two Family search members so we cannot communicate to each other except for the very first message we both sent. It is obviously a common problem and needs to be looked at.
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I am having a similar problem - There is a stalemate between two FamilySearch members. We cannot communicate to each other except for the very first message we both sent. I'm not trying to access the message through email, but directly within FamilySearch through the messages icon. I am on a PC using Firefox. Please let me know how to remedy this problem. Thank you.