Discovery Page

- I've noticed in some of my ancestors Discovery Pages there is misinformation. As an example, my grandmother's page (K631-ZMM) it says she was born in Reisterstown, MD when it states on her detail page that she was born in McCoys Ferry, Washington, Maryland, United States. I've noticed others that have inaccuracies like that. How can this be and is there a solution?
Best Answer
The information pulls from the person's detail page. It pulls the standardized dates and places. For your example of: Emma Curtis Moore K631-ZMM it is behaving correctly. She has a listed a birth place and a different standardized place. You need to correct the birthplace to have a correct standardized place if this place below is not correct.
So is McCoys Ferry, Washington Maryland US the incorrect location? If so, I suspect it came from the Affidavit of her husband Marlin's birth who was born there. Your grandmother is tagged in that doc as well. I have seen this kind of error as well and not sure how it happens. I try to add comments to the info indicating it is wrong because I am uncomfortable with outright deleting other people's facts.
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I'm having the same problem with the new discovery person page not matching with detail personal page. My maternal (LTDV-65L) great-grandmother and great uncle (LTDP-XW5) side of the family was born in Castelmauro, Campobasso, Molise, Italy, on the new discovery person page states there were born in Castelluccio Acqua Borrana, Molise, Italy. Also, the Name Meaning section isn't even close to the family name that can be traced back to the mid 1600s. I see tons of other family members not showing correct birth locals and other info on the new discovery person page. Hope they fix the problem...
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Is there any way to edit or remove incorrect information on the new Discovery Page for an ancestor?? Many of the name meanings which come from the Dictionary of American Names do not apply on the pages where they exist, or they are incorrect. An example is the name meaning for an Italian ancestor which provides a North African (Muslim) name. The same name for Italian ancestors has a different meaning than the one on the Discover Page of the Italian ancestor. It would be helpful to dismiss this type of error since this meaning does not apply for this person.
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The information pulls from the person's detail page. It pulls the standardized dates and places. It is behaving correctly. She has a listed a birth place and a different standardized place. You need to correct the birthplace to have a correct standardized place if this place below is not correct. For: Lauretta Geltrude Trolio LTDV-65L
It looks like you already corrected this one: LTDP-XW5
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Hello my name is Doniece Watkins. I am new to your group, referred to see if others in the community are experiencing the same issues with the new Discovery Pages attached to our ancestor’s Detail Pages.
I am being lengthy and extensive as I can to get a feel for what others are seeing and their concerns.
There is a Family Search Blog titled “New Ancestor Discovery Pages Provide a Rich, Engaging Family History Experience”. The blog provides an overview of what is on the Ancestor Discovery Page and should we wish to share this information with others who do not have a Family Search Account we can share these pages vial social media – Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp
Many of the concerns posted to this blog’s comments section deal with researchers concerns finding incorrect information posted ranging from; (1) where these discovery pages come from, (2) data not matching the persons Detail Page from incorrect parents identified in the Discovery Page, (3) how did the system choose which families to post when multiple marriages are involved, (4) why isn’t the Discovery Page automatically updated when the Detail Page is revised, etc.,
As I stated earlier, I was referred with a request to post my concerns, comments to the “Community”. The roll out of the Discovery Page to Family Search Users has met with mixed feelings. The Support Team is also searching for answers to concerns as well.
· I posted this message to the blogger of this post and fellow readers regarding the New Discovery Page on June 3rd:
Apparently one of the major issues with this new page is the information is not accurate according to our ancestry research and what is displayed on our Individual Detail Person Pages.
1. Not all unions between or ancestors resulted in a single marriage or a marriage at all to our grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. Some of us have previously been instructed AND learned setting the “Preferred Indicator” sets the stage for what should display for specific marriage lines in other system settings for our ancestry line including the Fan Chart and Family Group Records. Based on this, if we have set the Preferred Indicator to the appropriate marriages, one would expect the Discovery Page display of parents to be those based on the Preferred Indicator regardless of the number of marriages or different parents with children. I have the “Preferred Indicator” set appropriately however, the information on Discover Page is random when it determines the spouse/parents and children to display. For me on two different sets of parents it chose the step-parent not my direct descendant line couples (one set married, one set just birth parents).
2. The ‘sources’ displayed are randomly chosen should the ancestry have more than 2 sources on their Source Screen. However, one of my ancestors the system only used 2 out of 3 available sources. What is used to determine which sources and what timeline to select a source for the Discovery Page?
3. Should we choose to ignore the reference to the New Discover Page what about all of our other family members who are also researching their ancestry in Family Search. One of my grandsons and several nephews are beginning to research our ancestry. I shudder to know what they will see on this new page.
3a. EX., my grandfather had 10 siblings and each of these siblings had at least 10 children. If they have located and added our step-great-grandfather as the second husband to our great-grandmother they too should see incorrect Discover Page parentage with the step-great-grandfather identified instead of our actual great-grandfather.
3b. EX., my grandparents were not married but they are identified as the “preferred” couple with my mother as their child. My grandfather also had children by several other women. All of these unions and children are identified on his Detail Page. On the Discovery Page the system randomly chose a female and her children as his spouse and children. These children are not my siblings they are cousins to me and my siblings. Any of my siblings, grands, and great-grands researching our family line will not get a true picture of our ancestry from the Discover Page. My mother and grandmother are not identified on this screen therefore my grands and great-grands will not see their great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother.
4. Ignoring the New Discover Page is not an option it is up front in our faces, plastered across the top of the Person’s Detail Page. Those of us who know to ignore this page maybe thinking about other family researchers who will discover this new screen and take the ancestry information printed there at face-value. In addition, because the page is new there is no delete option available. The link provided by Brett is to have a deleted person removed. It is not for the deletion of the Discover Page from a person’s detail screen – How do I request the removal of a FamilySearch ancestor page (
5. I have spoken with several reps via the Family Search Help Desk on this matter. The reps are learning what to do with our issues as we contact them with our concerns. Apparently, we researchers are also guinea pigs on this new roll out as well as the help desk reps. We are discovering and learning what is not right with this page one ancestor at a time and one incident call to the Help Desk as we encounter each Discover Page. There are no instructions on how to resolve our concerns and issues. Nor do the reps have details on what fields or data was used to code the logic to pull in specifics to this page. The Help Desk Rep I spoke with today searched his available system and details for information including taking notes to follow-up after my call.
Because we are all dealing with a new system enhancement it is very frustrating to be told in writing after waiting for a response to ignore something that is hitting us in the face and is growing as new Discovery Page(s) are being populated on our ancestors Detail Pages. Some complaints maybe the same while others are specific to source data displayed, incorrect cities identified for ancestors and if we are not standardizing a city during updates, what is the logic using for the Discovery Page?
So far as when is a Discovery Pages data is updated based on changes to a person’s Detail and Source Screens is a mystery to all except the coders. I did not pose this question to the rep I spoke with today, something to keep in mind. Perhaps this issue has a resolution that has been given to the help desk.
· Concern with missing Discovery Pages for family members:
Will Family Search be adding Ancestry Discovery Pages to every Ancestor eventually?
Reply; Amy says:
Hi Kim! Thank you for your feedback. There should be a page for everyone, unless they have been recently deceased in the past few years.
Reply; Doniece Watkins says:
Amy, your statement regarding every person have a Discovery Page is incorrect or at least in my family line. I have checked and not all my direct ancestors have this page including my mother who passed in 2010.
Is it the intent of Family Search to have a Discovery Page for every deceased individual that is visible to every researcher?
Based on these response and others like it, it appears the Discovery Page concept was not coded for the convenience of Family Search members as a snapshot view of the entire history or defined data from all screens. The Discovery Page concept is meant to bring back or entice people to create FamilySearch Accounts.
With all of the incorrect information members of Family Search are finding with these pages people searching from Google and to locate family ancestors will miss or not locate ancestors unless they are already aware if family history, multiple marriages, parents not married, etc.
We are all searching for information and assistance. What if anything are the communities concerns and comments on the Discovery Page? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
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I would suggest Discovery Pages ignore the preferred indicator completely. That setting is really for people to look at ancestry through the relationship of their own decadency. A person's life could well span many relationships and children from each. All are a picture of that person's life. Please consider what the Discovery Page should be doing: it should let you discover all facts (correct or incorrect) recorded about that life.
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Hello Gail S Watson, at this point none of us users oR techincal help staff of Family Search knows what the programmers and coders used to pull data from our Family Person Pages to their Discovery Page. It would be prudent and appropriate to have to logic use the Preferred Indicator as each relative (cousins) within a family can set thiis indicator to their parents to appropriate show the parents of their parents on other processes within FamilySearch. Also, when parents remarry one would want to show the birth parents not the step, wouldn't you think. As I did indicate the Discovery Page for my paternal grandfather shows his stetfather as his father. I have siblings, nephews, nieces, cousins, grands who are also tracing our ancestry. So far as I kow none of them are aware the mother of our father's father remarried after her 11 children's father died. Having this displayed on the Discovery Page especially for a researcher looking at FaceBook, Google, Family Search via a search engine will disregard or discount his Discovery Page as a family ancestry link because of the incorrect indications of his parentage. The same is true for my mother's parents, there is nothing on her parents Discovery Pages to point or indicate these people are her parents - my grandmother married twice / my grandfagther had multiple marriages / and none of these marriages from either person are a marriage to each other as the parents of my mother. So where are the Discovery Pages for these three close direct line ancestors helping a new person searching for ancestors helping to direct any of them to Family Search???
A persosn's life does span many aspects and avenues. This is why I do not discount or leave off creating person pages, for step parents, multiple marriages, multiple births of children not from the same two parents. Unfortunately Family Search has not added an indicator to distinguish or specify when the couples identified as parents to the listed children are not married.
I agree the Discovery Page for a person should identify accurate or inaccurate information about a person HOWEVER, these inaccuracies should be based on what we the researcher(s) have entered on the Person's Detail page not what a compilation of coding by a programmer pulls from the information as we researchers have entered.
The Discovery Pages ""are not"" doing what they should have been intended to do "it should let you discover all facts (correct or incorrect) recorded about that life." If the Discovery Pages are suppose to direct non Family Search people looking for their ancestors, the information posted on the currect Discovery Pages are not getting the job done. Family members on the outside looking for ancestors will not in 99.9% of the time not kmow what they are looking at from outside of and via FamilySearch Doscivery Page info only not e aware of many ancestors because of the mis information indentified on the Discovery Page overview based on a programmers concept of waht data should be displayed not from the resesrchers aspect of data they have compiled.
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@Doniece Watkins I am so sorry it took me this long to respond to your long and well thought out posting. I dearly miss the email notices! For all various reasons you mention, I have looked at the discovery page for various ancestors of mine who lead long and colorful lives, and I do not really like what I see at the moment. That is not to say it is not good to try this kind of thing, but whether we want to concentrate on one spouse vs another, or even one contested piece of information vs. another (I have those ancestors, too, and contested info is worth exploring and displaying!), this tool will currently NOT let you filter. Also (I hate that I seem to be complaining about something that is evolving and should continue to evolve), you cannot control what world events are displayed. I would love to target that more closely with the life of the ancestor in question, perhaps a built in search engine to search for (as an example) Civil War battles in Pennsylvania July 1863, or something like that, and then attach that historic event to the discovery page.
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Hi @Gail S Watson, thanks for responding regardless of the response time. At least you are providing feedback.
I do not and would not have issues with the New Discovery Pages being an avenue or link to bringing people to the Family Search Ancestry site except for the information being displayed as “accurate” ancestry information. Had I not known some of the lineage or multiple families in my ancestry I definitely would not be lead to look further or access the Family Search site based on how my family ancestry information is displayed on this new screen. Personally, I would assume the information I viewed would not be my ancestry line EX; parents have different spouses from what my siblings and I have been told. My oldest grandson has started searching our ancestry and he would not know OR he would assume the family ancestry information I have told him over the years is wrong.
Contesting information on the Discovery Page(s) would be great only if the programmers and the writers of the data would update our family information to reflect those differences EXAMPLES:
1. Children with stepparents “identified as such” not their actual father/mother.
2. Parents with multiple marriage and/or families identified with some message to let others know there are other spouses/mates and children
The Discovery Page being presented to the general public is a good thing so others can see what they may find to search for their ancestry past. I have no complaints with putting family ancestry we have worked on and built made available to non Family Search people. What I have issues with is the misinformation that is being put out in the public eye. We cannot control the contested information being displayed for whatever period it is made public. Plus, we have no control on correcting (let’s call it) misprinted family information.
Another reason I am seeking comments from the Community is Family Search Help requested I see how others view this new Discovery Page. I also read the blog that follow the posting of ‘New Items’. New and seasoned and researchers (including myself) have questions/request for help most times on the new changes. The FS Blog responder or anyone may provide responses to the issues. Most of the FS Blog responders’ suggestions are helpful, some are generic, and other responses leave a lot to be desired. I have been told and have seen other responses to complaints to remove ancestry data from the ancestor’s “Detail Page” to fit the new Discovery Page ‘Life Summary” instead of forwarding our concerns to the programmers to determine how to resolve our issue.
I realize all of us are at the mercy of things changing and we were not given a heads up on this new process before it was made public. Now that is it here how do we rectify things we feel need correcting. I am complaining and am seeking others who have concerns/issues with the information displayed on the Discovery Page(s). Complaining expresses concerns with the process not that it doesn’t have value. You did indicate in your previous response you thought the “Preferred Indicator” should not be used to choose a family to display on the Discovery Page. It wasn’t so how should the system logic select the proper family including parents and children to display when multiples are options in the Spouses and Children section of the Detail Screen? Would you be concerns if the system posted a step parent as the birth parent? In the case of non-marriage family(s) the logic selected another parent and those children as the family to display, excluding you and your siblings as the birth children (of course the only children displayed would be those who have passed)?
I had not gotten to the World Events Section yet. I glanced at a few and the events are general to a specific timeline not to the ancestors’ life or where they lived. Since Family Search has started adding the race of our ancestors to each Detail Screen displaying events on the Discovery Page that would mean something to our ancestors would be more exciting to read about. I don’t think allowing us researchers to alter any data on the Discovery Page is in the works for now.
I have not performed this task in some time but I do Bata Test for a company prior to them making system changes public. I get to try out the new processes, ask questions, point out potential issues/flaws. The company in turn has the view point of a non-programmer or system person to add to their outlook on how the new process works. I have not seen Family Search take this approach on any system changes they have made.
I do appreciate your comments and hope you continue to provide more. I will be speaking to Family Search Tech/Help on this matter.
FYI – sorry I am wordy again. Once I get going my thoughts just pour out.
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@Doniece Watkins So let me explain about my thoughts on the "Preferred Indicator. I have a relative - adopted - who knows her birth parents, who they did not marry each other. My relative has been in contact with her birth relatives for some time now, and I have even talked with her birth mother about some questions I have. It is all good, but VERY messy. Her birth mother married someone and generated half siblings for my relative. Her birth father married twice and generated two sets of half siblings. Then there is the adopted parents with siblings and cousins, nieces and nephews. So my relative's tree is a choice of 4 sets of couples. I don't have a problem with organizing all that, as the family historian I am ON IT! My relative has an adult son who wants to know everything, so my motivation is high, and happily, there are no secrets about this at all, in fact, lots of love from all half siblings, and certainly her birth mom. My relative's son has a FS account, and in a couple of online calls I have helped him to be hooked up to all the deceased people at the lowest level of each branch. (I have an Ancestry tree for my relative also, and he has full access to that. His DNA has been amazingly helpful there.)
So at some point my relative will pass and her complex life which intersects so many fascinating families will be a jewel to read about. I don't know if the Discovery Page will be the answer, but I just wanted to give you and example of how every parent and spouse could be meaningful and equal!
I know my comment on World Events is more of a pipe dream. Beta Testing would be interesting. I, too, have done that professionally in my prior life (I am retired now.)
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Hi @Gail S Watson, I recently in the past few months how the Preferred Indicator works in FS on other features like the Fan Chart for instance. First let me say your family is a bit more diverse and exciting as mine but I do have mixed births, multiple families fromt eh same male, etc. In these situations setting the Preferred Indicator on each couple with children tells the system to properly display the appropriate lineage on the fan chart and Family Group Sheets, ex;, a cousin and I have the same grandfather and her grandmother is a different person, our parents are half siblings. The display the appropriate fan chart for her I would set the Preferred Indicator to show her father's parents not my mothers.
I did find out the Preferred Indicator maynot have a play in the Discovery Page Summary Information. We are dealing with different biological parents. Don't know if children in your family crosses over into various families but in some of mine there are step parents due to multiple marriages. Talking to a Family Search Tech on my open cases we learned not all of the Summary Page information is pulled from our Person Detail Screens.
Recent indictation from FS - (Since we spoke, both a Team Helper and a Supervisor have reviewed the New Discovery Page for Eugen Mullen and they now see the preferred parents are Sam Brownfield and Lizzie Marshall. The Life Summary reflects that information.””) and this text (There is an indicator set on the step-father. There is no indication on the biological father) we both figured out what this meant;
· Whatever background screens the programmers and coders are looking at I did not indicate my grandfather’s father was his biological parent on that Person Detail Screen.
· I set the biological indicator on my grandfather to indicate his father is his biological father.
· The Tech Support Helper said the background screen used for the Discovery Page Life Summary immediately changed the father from the step-father to the biological father. This was confirmed by the Tech Support Helper using another access to view this same background screen and the father under the different access was still identified as the Step-father.
· I will not be able to confirm this change online until the Discovery Pages go through the regular system updates to the public. However, I am confident this update will work.
With all of the diverse family situations and the excitement of relatives to know and see their ancestry in FS here is the process to get the correct information to post on the Discovery Page Summary:
Although we assume and know the biological parents are the birth parents and should not need further indications once we add additional parents to the mix the Family Search logic for the Discovery Page is looking for this indication. The update or process to reflect the proper parent(s) to display on the Discovery Page in the Life Summary is simple:
1. Access the PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP SCREEN (pencil box) right side of the child’s screen
2. Access the birth parent Mother and/or Father and set the ‘Relationship to Child. For birth parents this is “Biological” indication
3. Step #2 is easy enough and should solve the problem with step-parents displayed as birth parents. Perform step #2 for every birth child with a step or other parental indicator. You still have to wait for the system update to the Discovery Page after updating the Person Detail Pages. Keep me posted.
One of my grandsons just started his family research on Ancestry. I have several other family members who use Ancestry and a few that have accounts on FS.
I too am retired but still beta test for a system process when they ask. It still gives my brain a chance to think our of the box.