how do I configure the Win10 PCs so that Patrons can sync with partner apps?

Not a genealogist, just the guy installing Windows 10 on the PCs. Everything works, except Patrons are complaining that their FamilySearch accounts no longer link to their partner apps, like Ancestry, American Ancestor, and others. I believe they are supposed to, don't know how to fix it.
Best Answer
Hello Jim,
I am thinking you are at a Family History Center. There is a Group for Family History Centers questions.
Here is the URL for that Group:
Perhaps if you posted that question there someone could help you.
There are also some links on for Family History Centers;
There is a lot of information regarding Family History Centers using that little ?Question mark on the upper right near your avatar. Select Help Center from the drop down, when you get to the Help Center select Family History Center. Then put your question in the Search area. I find that I might have to put my question in with several wordings to finally get my answer. But it is there. :)
All Best,
Anitra, Group Leader
Assuming that you are at a FamilyHistory Center, and in North America, there is a Group called
Family History Center Technical Support (North America)
If you yourself are not edible to join this Group, perhaps someone who works in the Center would join on your behalf, and post your question.