No Event Place listed in US—Bureau of Land Management Tract Books
I am indexing batch US—Bureau of Land Management Tract Books, 1800–1955 [Part A][MS62-M5D]
Unfortunately there is no "Event Place" listed in this batch.
I'm quite certain that there is somewhere in this book (maybe on the cover or first few pages) that describe where these tracts are located (state, county, etc) but nothing as to the location is contained in my batch. I don't like the idea of submitting a batch of names/dates where there is no location if the location could be found just by flipping the pages of this book.
Can anyone please help suggest how I might get the location for this book/batch?
Do I submit a request to Family Search headquarters or something similar?
Best Answer
Hello David Charles. Oftentimes when we are indexing the information requested is not on the image. In this case we are asked to mark the field blank.
The field help for Event Place has the instruction: If the event place was not recorded or was written as a variation of the word "unknown," press Ctrl+B to mark this field blank.
Not to worry though - There is other work that goes on behind the scenes of indexing that may enable the event place to be included. For instance, the image will have digital information attached to it that we do not see. You'll see the information when you pull up images in the citation section. Also, there are pre publication teams that continue to work on these collections after we have indexed them.
That was very helpful. Nice to know there are safeguards that can add to the infobase. Thanks so much! I will proceed ahead.