image and data entry problem
Best Answer
The projects are almost always preset with a number of records, like 1 of 30 or in the City Directories 1 of 300.
Once you have indexed all of the information from your image, you need to delete the unused entries. To do this click on the trash can icon, select "all blank entries", click delete. Now the final entry from your image will have "submit batch" at the bottom of the entry form.
More details about this can be found in the Project Instructions under the category General Indexing Guidelines and the topic Number of Entries Per Image.
Hi Jack.
All projects come with a preset number of blank entries for each image on all batches.. However, any particular batch may need fewer or more entries to index the information on the images for that batch. When you’re done indexing all the information on your entire batch, just delete the leftover empty entries using the trashcan icon in the middle of the horizontal toolbar, and select the option “all blank entries” and click “Delete”.
If you had needed more entries, the icon with the + sign (right next to the trashcan) would let you add them.