Marriage Record Search improvement
Lately when I am searching marriage records (Alabama County Marriages) ... when I enter one of the spouses name under deceased ancestor and then the other under spouse ... I will get suggested records where this name is either the father or mother in a child's marriage ... while that could be relevant later it is NOT what I am looking for ... in fact, it is almost impossible to find the couple's marriage record by actually entering the participants names. My trick (when I have this information) is to enter only the name of one of the individual's parents and "ta da" the marriage usually appears. It is really frustrating though when I don't have that detail or the parents are not indexed/mis-indexed in that particular record ... even marking certain fields as "exact" doesn't seem to help.
Can you please sort the records where the deceased ancestor name is either the bride or groom to the "top" of the results? This would be VERY helpful for common names.