Default settings on Community Navigation - TOO much clicking required.
Wondering what others think of some of the default settings as to how one navigates in Community
Here are some examples of suggested changes I personally wish would be different:
1) When you click on "GROUPS" - I would much rather it default to "MY GROUPS" rather than "Featured groups" - just annoying the extra clicks one has to keep making again and again.
2) When you are in a group - and then you submit a POST. Upon submitting it takes you to a page that shows the post - but hten (if I am not missing anything) - - it gives you no easy way to return to the group listing you were sitting on before you made the post. You then have to click on Groups - which then takes you to featured groups - instead of My groups - and then you have to go back and fidn the group again . . .
3) I much prefer to see postig based on "TOP" (rather than "TRENDING" - I realize each person has tehir preference - - but sure would be nice if it KEPT your peference - again avoiding all the clicking.
in certain tasks there are way too many clicks as you go from one task to another.
I imagine there are various other examples like this - please feel free to share.
I totally agree with you. Previously when I wanted to see what posts were written in my groups, I just clicked My Feed and I could see all resent posts from ALL of my groups. Then I could select one of my groups and I could see all resent posts from that group, so 2 Clicks.
Now I click My Feeds-> no posts from my groups. Then I click My Groups -> it lists my groups. Then I click one group -> I see some posts, but not resents ones. Then I scroll down and click View All -> I see 10 resents one. If I want to see what other posts there are, I need to scroll down and click All Discussions -> After that I can see all posts. So 5 Clicks and 2 scroll downs!
And then I need to start all over again if I want to see what posts there are in my other groups!
There is no good way to go back to your group if open some post. the bread crumbs or mouse trail or something does not work properly. After you have opened one post, there are active Home -> Groups -> Group name whose post you are reading but that name is not active. If you accidentally click Groups, it takes you back to featured groups and you will need to start all over again to go back to your group. The only way is to click back arrow on your browser to go back to other posts in your group.
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And the back arrow only works properly if you have gone all the way to All Discussions. Otherwise the back arrow takes you all the way back to the "My Feeds" page.
I am still trying to figure out what the pattern is that determines what posts show on the My Feeds page and what posts show on the the actual Group page. The lists are not the same.
A final insult is that it seems really unpredictable where in the list of posts I land through any of this. Sometimes the page loads at the top of the list. Sometime the middle, sometimes the bottom. It's a guessing game as to whether to scroll up or down when I do get to a list of posts.
Please fix these inconsistencies and the downright painful navigation.