
I'm going to tell you as little as I can without confusing matters however, I ll try to include enough for you to understand my problem and hopefully point me in the right direction.
My husband's grandmother was from the free state of Ireland as she put it and this allows him to apply for Irish citizenship. His mother was very proud of her Irish roots and she has all kinds of documentation that he needs to apply, except for one vital piece that shows a name change. As a teenager she ran off with a young man and got married. She always said it was an overnight, poorly thought out plan that didn't last. However, when I start collecting paperwork, I found her marriage certificate to my husband's father and she had signed it with the name from the first marriage. Now (I think) I'm stuck. My husband's parents were married on May 15, 1944. She was 20 years old. This information was plenty easy to find. The first marriage, I have literally only the groom's surname to go by. No first name, no dates and I'm not even sure where they were married. It could have been Las Vegas I suppose! Or a Roman Catholic church for that matter.
If anyone has a clue where I need to look next, please let me know. Although processing has slowed down immensely in Ireland, it still takes 16-18 months at the best of times.
Thank you so much. I look forward to your advice!
Best Answer
Do you have her maiden name or her birth surname? Do you know roughly the area she was married? The US? any specific state it might have been (this might help narrow your search)?
From there I would look at the records in that specific state, county, or city (depending on how specific information you know.)
Here is how:
- Click on the "SEARCH" tab and then "RECORDS"
- You can then narrow the seach by clicking on the map where you think the first marriage might be.
- There you can try to narrow your search more or just put in your mother-in-laws name (with maiden name) and use the last name of her first husband in the spouse field and see if anything comes up?
Depending on how long ago it was you might need to look for the first marriage record in the actual county clerks office, (many counties/states have their own website).
If this is not helpful then let me know and I can try to help further.