Dates entered as "before" or "about" or "after" get interpreted as THE date that follows
When I have a general idea about a time period for someone on whose record I am working, I like to add these qualified dates so it places them in that time period. An example from today: I entered a wife for a man who I'm pretty sure was the one mentioned in his mother-in-law's will. So the daughter was entered as deceased "after 1796" because she was still alive when her mother made her will. But FamilySearch data analysis balked when the couple already had a child born in 1800. So the data problem "born after the mother's death" popped up and there is no way I can explain.
Is there any possibility of having the search engine recognize those date "qualifiers" to avoid confusion? It also looks a little sketchy when all of the children listed in a family have "after 1796" as their death date. Researchers could be inspired to begin looking for a massive disease outbreak that took whole families in one fell swoop!
Thank you.