Reviewing City and Business Directories
Some indexed City Directories do not show the city if it is not typed on top of the document. In about all instances the city can be identified by looking at the side adds, etc. IE: New York . Looking thru the residences of the people listed some show Brooklyn, Queens, Etc. Looking at the side, top and bottom adds many times it will show New York as the address. I have taken 3 or 4 of some strange street names to Google maps to see if there are streets by that name . If all of that checks out I am 99% sure the city is New York. In reviewing is it then O.K. to enter New York as the city? It seems a waste of time to have 200-300 names and then not know where they are from. Am I missing something that happens after the index and review that would identify where people are from?
Dave M.
Thank you for your comments. On the City Directories , we are not to use the name of a city within an ad as the name of the Directory Place. The ad may be from another city, placed in several directories.