To whom do I write to obtain more information about my grandfather Humberto Barahona Briones?
Humberto Barahona Briones was born in 1890 or 1891, and he died in 1953. [I have not been able to find him in FamilySearch, though I have located several family members or relatives]. Humberto died in Mexico City in 1953.
I seek the place of his birth (Nicaragua or Honduras), and the exact date. The names of parents as well.
If it helps, he was married to Lia Streber Munoz., whom he married in 1913 or 1914.
Where will the reply be posted?
Thank you.
Renato Barahona
Glenview, Illinois
Best Answer
Attached is a copy of his death record. He was born in Nicaragua and I'll leave you to figure out the rest since Italian is my specialty and I'm having trouble figuring it out. It has the year of his birth and his parents' names.
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