Expand count colorization key in Fan Chart "sources" feature
I love the Fan Chart feature and use all of the options to visualize my family. To make it more robust I would like to suggest that the current color scale of (0, 1-4, 5-9, and 10+) be expanded. It would be great to see 10-19, 20-29, 30+ be added to the color gradients.
The reason I think this would be useful is that I've found that thru repeated ID merging that sometimes multiple individuals are combined into a single record. One quick way to check for this is to visualize the total record sources for each person. Unfortunately the 10+ category is normal/common for many records and doesn't help to identify the outliers. If you look at your fan chart tree and see someone out 3-7 generations that have many more sources than surrounding people it could indicate a problem. This is not always the case but it is something to check. Having an expanded source count color key would help to target these anomalies and allow for data correction.
Thanks for creating and supporting such a wonderful free tool