Search request idea; place restriction on record types and names
Under records place an box to restrict record inclusion; ie. Military records. Way too many civil war records with the same name and information.
Under Alternate names allow user to restrict name(s);, ie. seraching for Wylie gives records for William. Allow user to restrict William in search results.
It is unreasonable not to allow the researcher to restrict the last names to the one typed. Otherwise you get way too many hits that aren't pertinent to the search. Why did this go backwards from the original search?
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It's like a newfangled kitchen now: you have to open two doors so you can pull out the drawer so you can get at the lid of the storage bin.
To get the "exact" search boxes for text search fields, click More Options, scroll down, click "Show Exact Search", scroll up, click the box next to the field you want to restrict to exact matches, scroll down again, and click Search.
(No, none of us have figured out how this is an improvement. Whoever is in charge of this at FS must live in a different universe than ours.)