United Kingdom
United Kingdom does not show as an option when using maps to find collections and is not amongst the listed collections in the English area. As you have records starting with this title, they are often not found. e.g. United Kingdom, Maritime Births, Marriages and Deaths - a brilliant site but hard to find unless you know to look in Collections under United Kingdom.
I responded to an item in the FamilySearch Blog (listing records recently added to the site) a couple of weeks ago on a similar matter. I highlighted the inconsistency in some records being added with "United Kingdom" at the front of the title, but others (of identical nature) starting with "England".
I think, in your example (and those Maureen provides), FamilySearch is cataloguing this material quite correctly. However, your first sentence does highlight the specific problem here. Hopefully, FamilySearch will make further efforts to enable users to find such collections more easily, especially by being consistent in their approach regarding records that cover the whole of the U.K., as opposed to those just relating to its constituent countries.
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I responded to an item in the FamilySearch Blog (listing records recently added to the site) a couple of weeks ago on a similar matter. I highlighted the inconsistency in some records being added with "United Kingdom" at the front of the title, but others (of identical nature) starting with "England".
I think, in your example (and those Maureen provides), FamilySearch is cataloguing this material quite correctly. However, your first sentence does highlight the specific problem here. Hopefully, FamilySearch will make further efforts to enable users to find such collections more easily, especially by being consistent in their approach regarding records that cover the whole of the U.K., as opposed to those just relating to its constituent countries.