Please: PUT "My Cases" BACK as a "Option", as a SEPARATE and DISTINCT 'Link', at the 'Bottom', under
PLEASE; Please; please ...
PUT the (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link, BACK as a "Option", as a SEPARATE and DISTINCT 'Link', at the 'Bottom', under HELP - like it used to be; and, especially, under the "Former" HELP.
When a User/Patron ask the question, today, in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; as, to "... where are my cases ..."
I was blissfully unaware that the (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link had been "MOVED" - as I had not used it for some time.
It took me a few moments to find the (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link.
I finally found the (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link, right down to the 'Bottom', on the 'right-hand-side' of the page/screen, under "Contact Us", under "Help".
I am sorry ...
But ...
That said ...
The CURRENT location for the (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link is, BOTH,
(1) VERY 'Bad" DESIGN; and,
(2) a VERY "Poor" MOVE.
The (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link USED to be a SEPARATE and DISTINCT ('standalone') 'link' under "Help", NOT under "Contact Us".
The (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link, under "Contact Us", MAY seem a logical place for such to be located; but, even, though, we may create "Support" Cases from there, it is NOT the place that the 'average' User/Patron will 'look'; especially, being used to such being a SEPARATE and DISTINCT ('standalone') 'link' under "Help" - which is what it REALLY need to be.
Again, please, put the (ie. Our) "My Cases" access/link, BACK as a "Option", as a SEPARATE and DISTINCT 'Link', at the 'Bottom', under HELP.
'Thank You' in advance.
Thank you Brett for finding My Cases! I've been asking questions since 2014 and thought that all of My Cases and the answers disappeared after the update. I would have never thought to look under Contact Us. I hope they put the link to My Cases back in the proper place under Help. I would go a step further and change that title from Helper Resources to Help Resources. I thought that was resource for the people using Helper Numbers.
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Thank you Brett for finding My Cases! I've been asking questions since 2014 and thought that all of My Cases and the answers disappeared after the update. I would have never thought to look under Contact Us. I hope they put the link to My Cases back in the proper place under Help. I would go a step further and change that title from Helper Resources to Help Resources. I thought that was resource for the people using Helper Numbers.
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Think about it this way, you are about to reach out to support (contact us) and on that page is ways to get help including how to call, email, chat etc support AND you see the my cases how support has helped you in the past. It makes sense to me.
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Think about it this way, you are about to reach out to support (contact us) and on that page is ways to get help including how to call, email, chat etc support AND you see the my cases how support has helped you in the past. It makes sense to me.
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Cindy - I would suggest that there are all sorts of reasons that I might want to look at "My Cases" but have no intention of contacting FS at that point. So Brett has a point.
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Cindy - I would suggest that there are all sorts of reasons that I might want to look at "My Cases" but have no intention of contacting FS at that point. So Brett has a point.
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I am sorry that you do not appreciate my 'tone' ...
And ...
I do not consider that I have been disrespectful ...
Now ...
That said ...
Please be aware that:
(1) I am NOT, 'reaching out', to "Support" of 'FamilySearch', for Help/Assistance; and,
(2) I am also NOT, 'reaching out', in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, for Help/Assistance.
What I am doing ...
I am using this (New) "IDEAS" ("Feedback') Forum [ ie. the TEMPORARY "Replacement" to the, previously, long-running, (Old) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") "feedback' Forum ], for the purpose that it is intended ... to provide 'Feedback' to 'FamilySearch'
Background ...
I once was, an avid User, for MANY Years, of the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch', to provide "Feedback' to 'FamilySearch'.
NOW, I only use, the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch', to submit "Cases", for individuals/persons, in "Family tree" of 'FamilySearch', that NEED to (ie. Can ONLY) be addressed/fixed by 'FamilySearch' Personnel (ie. "Higher" Level (ie. Level 3 of above) "Support"; or, the "Programmers"/"Engineers")
Unfortunately, with my (bitter) experiences with TRYING to get 'Feedback' PAST the FIRST ("Lower") Level of "Support", I NO LONGER take that road ...
[ And, I have had a previous meeting with a very 'High' Level "Support" Manager about this; and, other such matters ... ]
For a number of Years now, I have been providing ACTUAL 'Feedback' though the TEMPORARY "Replacement" to the, previously, long-running, (Old) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") "feedback' Forum, now the (New) "IDEAS" ("Feedback') Forum.
At least, this "Feedback" has more chance to getting to the People that matter (ie. Product Managers; and, Programmers/Engineers), rather than through the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch'.
In fact, I have had much more success with getting "Feedback" though the TEMPORARY "Replacement" to the, previously, long-running ,(Old) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") "Feedback' Forum, now the (New) "IDEAS" ("Feedback') Forum, rather than I every did through the the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch'.
Again ...
I am sorry that you do not appreciate my 'tone' ...
I do not consider that I have been disrespectful ...
[ But, certainly, 'Blunt' ... ].
And, of course, I am very 'verbose' ...
Each to their own ... such is life.
ps: 'Adrian', 'Thank You', for your support.
pps: 'Cindy', as an aside, I do not know, whether you aware or not; but, I ALSO give "Praise".
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I am sorry that you do not appreciate my 'tone' ...
And ...
I do not consider that I have been disrespectful ...
Now ...
That said ...
Please be aware that:
(1) I am NOT, 'reaching out', to "Support" of 'FamilySearch', for Help/Assistance; and,
(2) I am also NOT, 'reaching out', in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, for Help/Assistance.
What I am doing ...
I am using this (New) "IDEAS" ("Feedback') Forum [ ie. the TEMPORARY "Replacement" to the, previously, long-running, (Old) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") "feedback' Forum ], for the purpose that it is intended ... to provide 'Feedback' to 'FamilySearch'
Background ...
I once was, an avid User, for MANY Years, of the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch', to provide "Feedback' to 'FamilySearch'.
NOW, I only use, the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch', to submit "Cases", for individuals/persons, in "Family tree" of 'FamilySearch', that NEED to (ie. Can ONLY) be addressed/fixed by 'FamilySearch' Personnel (ie. "Higher" Level (ie. Level 3 of above) "Support"; or, the "Programmers"/"Engineers")
Unfortunately, with my (bitter) experiences with TRYING to get 'Feedback' PAST the FIRST ("Lower") Level of "Support", I NO LONGER take that road ...
[ And, I have had a previous meeting with a very 'High' Level "Support" Manager about this; and, other such matters ... ]
For a number of Years now, I have been providing ACTUAL 'Feedback' though the TEMPORARY "Replacement" to the, previously, long-running, (Old) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") "feedback' Forum, now the (New) "IDEAS" ("Feedback') Forum.
At least, this "Feedback" has more chance to getting to the People that matter (ie. Product Managers; and, Programmers/Engineers), rather than through the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch'.
In fact, I have had much more success with getting "Feedback" though the TEMPORARY "Replacement" to the, previously, long-running ,(Old) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") "Feedback' Forum, now the (New) "IDEAS" ("Feedback') Forum, rather than I every did through the the "System" of "Support" of 'FamilySearch'.
Again ...
I am sorry that you do not appreciate my 'tone' ...
I do not consider that I have been disrespectful ...
[ But, certainly, 'Blunt' ... ].
And, of course, I am very 'verbose' ...
Each to their own ... such is life.
ps: 'Adrian', 'Thank You', for your support.
pps: 'Cindy', as an aside, I do not know, whether you aware or not; but, I ALSO give "Praise".