Useful Enhancements for the To-Do List

The following list of To-Do List enhancements was compiled and requested in June 2018. In May 2020, Joe Martel said that “the new team manager is aware of the requests”. It is now approaching 3 years and none of these items appear to have been addressed.
Since you can’t even access anything before about February 2020 in the Legacy part of the Ideas area, this list has been lost. For this reason I am recording it with the names of its contributors here.
Jeff Wiseman said:
For simple research projects and also keeping track of where I was from session to session, I find the To-Do list on the home landing page is very useful. Also, in verifying changes in my watch list, I frequently jump around the tree resulting in several partially completed activities to track. The To-Do list is really useful for this too.
I would like to see enhancements to this list to make it even more useful. For example:
1) Provide the ability to rearrange the list to To-Do items so that they can be categorized and/or prioritized.
2) The ability to add FS ID numbers from the tree to the text in the To-Do items so that a simple click could take you directly to that person you are working on would add convenience.
3) When editing a previously existing item, make the editing window larger than just 3 to 5 words. Scrolling back and forth through the field with a long text content with arrow keys is a total nuisance.
4) Allow the huge space of pictures to the left of the list to be reduced so that more useful space can be added for To-Do activity details.
Tom Huber said:
5) I would like to see a window open up that would allow me to either edit the original content of the entry, or add comments as to the progress I have made with respect to the project. That would include a date for each comment.
6) Add the ability to retain a history of all items I've added to my list, along with the date that I consider the task/project completed/closed.
Mary Koeven has made the suggestion:
7) When FS finishes setting up the shared living spaces they are working on, adding some kind of shared To-Do list would be useful. Note that such a list would have to run independent of the normal To-Do list associated with your private account, but could be handled under a common mechanism.
Jeff Wiseman said:
8) Remove the ambiguous "X" and check mark links. They are inconsistent with their use in most of the computer industry, and especially are totally different from how editing on other items on this site are done. If anything, they need to be replaced with a "Delete" and "Save" or "Close" links/buttons respectively, although a mechanism consistent with the editing of other fields on the site would be preferable.
9) Clicking on the text in any field on the site in order to edit it was changed in September 2018 on everything EXCEPT the To-Do list items. The way it is done now on To-Do list items is ambiguous and inconsistent with the way the rest of the site functions.
Angelo Longo said:
10) allowing “To-do Lists” longer than the present limit of 1000 characters.
Glenn P said:
11) Have the To-do list as a pop-up small window available to use when you are on any page in FamilySearch, so that you can add a to-do item while you are still on the page where you are working, or you can check on your already existing To-do items while you are on any page in FamilySearch. (This is similar to and perhaps an extension of number 5). Also have it available on the Home page, as it is currently.
@FamilySearch Family Tree
Best Answer
Hi, Jeff, here is the link to the specific place to offer enhancements for FamilySearch.
Hello @JeffWiseman JeffWiseman
Lots of comments.
Sheila DuBois Posted:
I am sure by now you have seen that we moving to a new platform for communities next week. It will look different as what your used to here. So if have any questions don't hesitate to ask.! you won't have to create a new profile.. which is good!! you will just have fun looking to see where everything is! Monday is the launch day!
A good place to put this on Monday when? the new platform is online will be the Q and A at
See you there.
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ME Doran,
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, it is NOT the appropriate place to do this. It is for patron Feedback issues specifically regarding the FamilySearch COMMUNITY. That is the web pages and tools specific to the social media community for Family Search. It is NOT the technical feedback for the FamilySearch FamilyTree and historic records database webpages and tools which is a totally different world from the FamilySearch Community and it's various groups.
This is really for the Ideas section, but somehow it also shows up in the Q and A area (which in itself is quite schizophrenic as it also contains stuff from the FS Community area as well). It is really unfortunate because it seems that every single time we have an "improvement" made in these forums, things just get more scrambled, vague, and more confusing as to what everything is supposed to exist for.
For example, it used to be that when you reported a bug or software design failure in the FSFT, you could assign it to all of the pertinent categories that it applied to (e.g., FamilyTree, Sources, and User Interface, etc.). Now you are forced to assign it to a single category. The tags that have been preassigned are not universal to everyone so they are a useless substitute for the multiple categories that we had for nearly a decade.