Rozalija Lichwa family
Looking to any information about grandmother relatives Rozalija Lichwa born 1888 in Maksimowichi East Poland (now Ukraine) passed away 1946 in Sibinj Yugoslavia . She was married to Stanko Folwarczny born 1889 in Jaroslaw not far the city on the Polish / Ukraine border. It looks like that Soviet communists have destroyed all records. Even when look in Google doesn't exist Maksimowichi which should be at Lvov region. Has anybody any links or information?
Best Answers
Rozalija, I think you would be helped greatly by joining the community called "Poland Genealogy Research", @Poland Genealogy Research . Just click on the link it will take you there. Ask your Question and you will be among people who have done research in Poland and hopefully can help you find the right sources for you to search. Then the next time need to enter that group, go to "My Feed" it will be in that list of groups you have joined. Good Luck and God Bless your research, Pam Whicker
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Please consider looking more for your ancestor, Rozalia Lichwa.
- There are many people with this surname listed in Geneszukacz.genealodzy.p – Ukraine , but unfortunately I did not see there the name of your grandmother. But check the location of the places where those other Lichwa people lived, using a map search: and enter Maksymówka which could be a Polish variation of Maksimowichi. It will show you a number of Maksymowka places, one of them between Lviv and Jaroslaw.
- It will be helpful to identify what church they attended and had records with, if it was Roman-Catholic or Greek-Catholic. Then you may go to if you use or Chrome browser, you may right click to translate to English, otherwise just go down to No. 301, and 303, down for Roman-Catholic records in Lviv region, as they have there several sets of records for Maksymowka. You may scroll down to it, select it, Control F and search for years available with the records.
- As to Stanko Folwarczny from Jaroslaw, you may go to – check off Vital Records – you may go down to the last line to select Denominations and then Grecko-katolickie (for Greek-Catholic), or Rzymsko-katolickie for Roman-Catholic records, then enter Jaroslaw in the top black box. There may be parishes, several villages and suburbs of this now about 40,000 resident town. Let me know how you are progressing. Check also for name Folwarczny.
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Check the FamilySearch Catalog for records. This is what they have for Lvov and here's a good place to start