It is important that we each review the purpose for our community. Please read the code of conduct located here
It is also essential that each of us understand that we are in a community. Questions can and should be answered by many people. Each answer is contributing to the person asking the question. No one person should take over! This is a community for a purpose. Please be kind, understanding and allow for others experiences to be shared without criticism. Please read the above Code of conduct. We need and strive for harmony which allows many points of view on Family History Topics.
Thanks Sister Whicker, Moderator
First time in a long time - I see a moderator chiming in. Are you new?
Who is the current official director/leader of the community?
Glad for your feedback. We all can improve in this area - I agree.
But Since Carolyn Webber left - there really has been an incredible void and lack of leadership/feedback/moderating/official communication here in the community. . . .
are you a moderator for the commnity over all - or just a specific group - just wondering so we all know . . . so many things we seem to be just muddling through over the past months because of lack of offical feedback/guidance/moderation/vision.
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When Carolyn Webber was over the community - she had a VERY HANDS ON approach.
And she made it a priority to really get to know the members of the community and interact with them - not just when there were "fires" to put out - but getting to know people and show interest - even before a "fire" came up.
She did a tremendous job over a good period of time - she was well respected by many of us users - - - - I only wish she had been thanked BY FS Leadership when she left . . . . but I wont go into that any further . . .
Since she left official FS leadership seems to have a very "Hands off" approach.
I dont know if that was simply because no one actually has/had the same role as Carolyn or what . I realize FS may not always have the rsources and the resources at the right time - and we need to be patient.
BUT going forward - will there be a time when we have much more "hands on" involvement from an official Community Leader the way we used to have ???
And when someone responds to posts here in the community - shouldnt we be able to (easily) tell if they are a person in an official position. Or just someone who has no official position - but has dveeloped a dominant role here? I wish it was easier to see who was who (general user/volunteer/missionary/employee).
I mean anyone can provide a grat answer! and thats wonderful. But sometimes peopl give what sounds like an official response - but one is never sure if they are acting in an official role or not - because they all so often dont explicitly say it.
(I did note you mentioned your role as moderator - THX)
I have a respect for all here in the community and I want to always try to be positive and uplifting and courteous and tactful - and I will continue on that path continuous path of improvement.
BUT these are some honest feelings on my mind and I dont think Im the only one.
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Many of us were used to using the old site and have been surprised at the differences we encounter in using "Community". Like, Dennis, I have been accustomed to knowing whether a post was being made by a FamilySearch employee, or if it was by an "ordinary member" of the forum. If you are an employee, please identify yourself as such and encourage your colleagues to do so, too. If you know Joe Martel (former moderator at the GetSat site) please speak with him, so you can better understand our feeliungs regarding this issue.
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Brother Yancey, Interesting that you need to know my credentials. I did sign my post with Moderator. I am a missionary. This entire community is watched over by a large group of Missionaries. Each of us have certain groups we are assigned to watch over. We are asked not so much to answer questions, but encourage the community to share their experience and knowledge. One of the missionaries is our mission President and above us all is a church employee, but she too has a hands off approach, nothing like Carolyn Webbers approach. Change is the one thing you can be sure of in the church. Soon, March 15th, there will be an entirely new format with Communities and we will all have to get used to another big Change. I hope you will be accepting of the way we are taught to approach Communities. Thanks, Sister Whicker
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No Paul, I am not an employee, but rather, I am a missionary called to serve in the Family Search Community. There is an entire group of us, A Whole Mission if you will, who watch over the entire family search community. I do not know anything about site. This format for Community will soon be changing to a new platform to include multiple languages and we will all have to get used to a new way of doing things. Change is constant and hopefully we can all adjust to the new things coming. Thanks, Sister Whicker
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I dont neccesarily need to know your credentials. But who is leading the community??? it seems leaderless and has for many months now. Yours is the first moderating comment I have seen in months.
We simply want to know who are leaders our. we want to know what the vision is for the future. We want to get to know our leaders - before they point out a needed correction.
When people in the community ask questions that seem to need an official response - instead of many of us trying to give what we imagine would be the official response - we would prefer that such answers come from people in offical roles - who clarify their role as an official leader.
We in the community seem to have no sense of who or what group is in the leadership role - and what their role is versus our roles. I have asked various peopel and all so often the question seems to go unanswered - because no one seems to have known what the answer is?
we hunger for VISION, for DIRECTION, for LEADERSHIP for some VISION of what lays ahead and what our role will be
but truth is . . . in the last few months - our hunger has gone unfed . . .
and then when someone steps in to remind us of - something that surely was a legitimate point - we ask ourselves - who are they? what role do they play, how come we dont know them and already have some sapport with them? how come we dont know whats going on in leadership??
Yes - I have no probelm with change. . . but communication, guidance, direction, vision, hope from leadership is critical . . .
change will be extremely difficult and painful - if we dont have that communication and rapport from day one with leadership of the community . . .
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Im sory to confuse you
that comment made by "Family BIble" was
actually me (djyancey - Dennis J Yancey)
Family bible is an alternate alias.
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We really look forward to getting to know you Sister Whicker. We really do.
You and all the other missionaries and the mission president.
Whoever it is that we should be considering as the leadership over the Community.
we want to have a positive healthy relationship with community leadership.
BUT we need means and ways for us to GET TO KNOW this new leadership.
we need a rapport with the new leadership. we need trust and empathy.
it sends the wrong message when the first message we get from the new community leadership - is telling us of our shortcomings in a certain way.
we want to get to know you - ahead of time - so that when there is a need to make some corrective council - that we already have your trust and rapport
otherwise -people will often second guess motive and authority - for someone they haven't even been officially introduced to. . .
We look forward to getting to know you, working with you, learning to face change - with your guidance. and the guidance from others. we just as much as you want the community to be a place that people want to be - and have good feelings as they work with others.
We dont need you to flash your credentials al the time; but if we dont know who you are and who else you are working with - its gets confusing . Just saying you are a moderator, by itself . . . . doesnt give the big picture of what s going on that we wish we had.
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Welcome to the community Pamela!
Yea, Dennis has a split personality around here so you've got to watch that 😂
Also, beware the Ides of March…
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The "Ideas" area of the FamilySearch Community contains what is left of the old site. It was the Feedback forum to provide suggestions, discussions on improvements, and reporting bugs in the FS tools to the developers and engineers at FS.
The forum which was around for years was only moved over to the Ideas area in the FS Community late last year when the providers for it shut it down abruptly. It has not been the same. We are all hoping that the new capabilities being introduced to the FS Community in March will help to revitalize it.
If you go to the Ideas area and filter on "Legacy", you will see all of the discussions (minus all of their images) that were in the forum prior to its demise.
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Hello everyone,
I’m from Australia and looking for my husband’s aunt, born in England, IVY ELLEN CAMPBELL, born 1904-ish that we can only find info on her up to the marriage of her third husband, GEORGE WRIGHT.
We cannot find where she or GEORGE were buried and presume it was France for the following reason:
Her younger brother, CHARLES ARCHIBALD REX CAMPBELL born 1907-ish (and at 17yrs came with his father to Australia in 1924) which is my husband’s father, said that his sister went to France. The family were not close and didn’t speak to one another, didn’t communicate or contact each other except for IVY writing one single letter to her brother CHARLES in 1952 which we have a torn off original scrap of paper from that letter. My mother in law was forbidden to contact Ivy or the oldest sister MARGARET OLIVE CAMPBELL born 1898 but she did rescue the letter from the waste paper rubbish bin and tore off the address and kept it hidden from her husband’s knowledge.
I need help from someone who can search death records in France and hoping that this family search group can help me.
Looking forward to any help given,
Fiona Campbell
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The FIBIS Fibiwiki page French, while the main emphasis is searching the French in India, also has more general information about researching French records generally
Two French pay genealogical websites Filae, and Geneanet may be
accessed for free from FamilySearch computers in FamilySearch Centres