why does adding a hint open another window thus leaving me with 2 open windows?
Best Answer
@Dorann Cafaro_1
Short Answer: Basically, for ease of "Comparison" ...
The reason for that Record "Hints" open in a NEW 'Tab'; is, so that, we can more easily ,'Jump', Between, the page/screen where we were on (eg. an individual's/person's "Person/Details" page/screen); and, the Record "Hint", just in case we need to do more in-depth comparison before deciding to, either, accept; or, reject, the Record "Hint" - rather than having to "Close" the Tab/Window with the Record "Hint"; and, reopen the page/screen where we were on, just to compare. And, then, having to do the same process in reverse, back to the Record "Hint", to, either, accept; or, reject.
I have always liked to keep the "Person/Details" the page/screen of the individual/person open in one 'Tab'; and, open the corresponding Record "Hint" in another (ie. separate) 'Tab'; as, it makes it so easy to, 'Jump', Between, the individual/person; and, the Record 'Hint", to compare, if needs be; specifically, so that, I DO NOT have to go backwards and forwards, opening and closing; and, re-opening and re-closing, the 'Tabs'.
Just my thoughts.
@Dorann Cafaro_1 I believe that the folks at FamilySearch Family Tree can help you with this issue @FamilySearch Family Tree
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Thanks Steve
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thanks got it - just disconcerting to close a tab thinking the software may not have grabbed all the information.
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Related 'Question' ...
FamilySearch Family Tree
Why when adding a hint does my browser open another window so that when I finish adding the information I have 2 open windows then 3 etc?
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The programmers wrote it that way and I assume so I don't lose my origial ancestor if I start clicking on links as I follow the trail from the hint.