Seems that the campaign of record hints has ended today. Is it possible to request it continue?

Best Answer
Some of the campaigns are preloaded with data and when all the "hints" are attached, the campaign is then empty for that person. This also happens with the regular recommended hints on the homepage. You can attach all of them and then it will be empty for awhile until the process is refreshed with newly indexed content.
Also some campaigns over time are converted into regular discovery experiences that are available all the time.
I'll see what I can find out about the Hints campaign.
@RMC1008 RMC1008
Question: WHICH particular "Campaign" are you referring to?
There are MANY "Campaigns", by; and, in, 'FamilySearch'.
NOT all "Campaigns", by; and, in, 'FamilySearch' relate to "Record Hints".
I still 'see', the "Record Hints", in the "Recommended Tasks", on my "Home"/"Landing" page/screen,
And, I ALSO still 'see', the "Record Hints", in the "Research Helps", on my Ancestors "Person/Details" pages/screens.
Again, is there any particular "Campaign" are you referring to.
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I see all the ones you mentioned. Its a campaign hint that used to have a link on the home/landing page on the bottom right. It would load up relatives scrolling to the right (instead of vertical) with potential hints similar to the one on the home page but more and they were always different. The link went away a couple months ago I guess, but I kept the page open to it and it was still active until today. Chatting online with fam search they said they sometimes end campaigns but couldn't be specific to the one I am inquiring about. It comes up now and says Sorry we couldn't find enough information when I go to the link.
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@RMC1008 RMC1008
The advice that you received was correct ...
"Campaigns" ... 'Come and Go' ... and, often 'Comeback again' ...
Especially, from the "Home"/"Landing" page/screen ...
Some "Campaigns" END/Finish completely; and, disappear ...
[ or, are "Reinvented"/"Reinvigorated"; as, a new "Campaign" ]
Whereas, some "Campaigns" continue in the 'background' ...
[ ie. in other words, they can still be accessed, if you know their URL Address ]
Now ...
That said ...
Those "Campaigns" that 'Amy' has proffered, NO LONGER seem to work ...
I know, they did a very short while back; but, certainly, NOT now, at present ...
'Amy' ...
Can I humbly request, in your current position, can that you 'Parle' with the 'powers to be' in 'FamilySearch' to enquire; as, to WHY those aforementioned "Campaigns" NO LOGER work.
'Thank You' in advance.
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Yes Amy it was the second you posted.
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Thank you Brett
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The second one for me. Also, under Activities/All Activities there used to be a Historical Records option that would take you to hints that needed to be attached.
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Amy its working again!! Thanks for your efforts!
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It's working again Brett, thanks again!
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Record hints has not ended.