Is this really the place to ask questions about living and recently deceased members of ones family?

There was another very personal query just posted, about a very tragic case in the person's family. As before, I once again have to query whether this is the right forum to ask for further details of "lost" relatives, or about recent events relating to ones close family.
Other relatives of the people mentioned - and/or those who the individuals posting here might wish to contact - might feel very upset if they were affected by what is written here. For example, what if a person does not wish to be "found" by a "long-lost" relative? Or if they did not want the tragic demise of their relative mentioned in a public forum?
I continue to remain very uncomfortable about the nature of some of the highly personal queries posted here.
@Paul W
This "Community.FamilySearch" Forum in NOT (in fact, NOTHING) like the ...
(OLD) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum, to which we are accustomed.
The "Community.FamilySearch" Forum is about ...
Users/Patrons (Really) HELING Users/Patrons ...
There are a number of 'Groups'; and, there are quite a few (in fact, many) 'Group Administrators'.
Generally ...
IF, a 'Post' OVERSTEPS the mark; even, if it is NOT "Flagged" (as being inappropriate); THEN, the 'Group Administrators' have the ability, to EDIT; or, DELETE, a 'Post'; and, they DO.
Some Users/Patrons who ask 'Questions' of the nature that you refer, REALLY need help and assistance.
Unlike the (OLD) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum, there is MUCH "Behind the Scenes" work that goes on (Especially, if a "Post', is "Edited" or "Deleted") to HELP many of the Users/Patrons who ask 'Questions' of the nature that you refer.
The "Community.FamilySearch" Forum is a much BETTER place to ask 'Questions' of the nature that you refer, rather than "Social Media" (eg. FaceBook; or, the like) or, even, the 'FamilySearch' "Support" Case system.
I am not saying that your concern, is not warranted.
I am just try to provide, some insight, that I have gained/gathered, while participating, in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
As you would know, I used to like HELPING (where I could), in the (OLD) 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum.
But, I really "Love" HELPING (where I can), in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
The Users/Patrons in this Forum, are really appreciative of ANY assistance that can be provided; and, they are much less, prone to debate; or, be judgmental, than some, in the other Forum.
None of us are perfect ...
We all make mistakes ...
Some Users/Patrons are DESPERATE for help/assistance ...
And, their 'Posts' echo their desperation ...
"Moderation" DOES occur, in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Their are "High" Level ('FamilySearch' Personnel) "Administrators", to OVERSEE the "Lower" Level ("Group") "Administrators", in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum .
Just my thoughts/perspective.
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Thanks for that response, Brett, and I take your point(s). However, I remember you (on the old GetSat forum) being very reluctant to post any information (including relating Family Tree IDs) that might help idenify you and your family. I am honestly not accusing you of any "double-standards" here. I appreciate you are merely explaining the situation as it stands here and that you feel it is probably far better these queries are raised here rather than on a social media site - where they might be subject to abusive responses.
So, I am glad you comment: "I am not saying that your concern, is not warranted", as it really is the other relatives of those raising these queries that I am most concerned about here. Like you and me, they might regard the privacy of their family more importantly than the folks who post here, but are obviously not (always) being consulted prior to the publication of such personal, family details.
Personally, I would hate the awful circumstances of my relative's death to be raised here, or for a relative who had possibly been horrible to me in the past to get help (via here) in tracing my present whereabouts. I just worry about the possibility of someone being given advice here that will inadvertently have a really negative outcome for someone else.
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@Paul W
And, I "Still" DO NOT 'Post' ANY of the PIDs of my Ancestors/Relatives (even) in THIS "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
[ Just take a look at the many "Images" I post, with "Redacted" details ].
And, that is because I DO NOT want someone to "Change" the details of individuals/persons NOT within their "Ancestral" lines, to suit what THEY think it should be (Especially, the 'usual Crowd', if you get my drift).
Plus, I, either, respond, (1) in a 'Post'; or, (2) via a (Private) 'Message' to the 'Poster', that I DO NOT "Recommend" them posting PIDs (even) in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum - in fact, I WARN them of the possible 'pitfalls' of doing so. But, I leave the (Final) DECISION to the 'Poster", that is their CHOICE.
I recommend, advising of the situation/circumstances, WITHOUT, Naming, Names.
Some, 'heed my warning'; and, either, DO NOT post the PIDs; or, "Edit" their 'Post', redacting the PIDs/Details, in the ("Public") Forum.
So ...
'No Double Standard' on my part ...
WHAT Others Do is their CHOICE ...
Remember ...
As it is ALREADY, the "Living", are NOT always CONSULTED with WHAT is Recorded in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; or, ANY of the OTHER (Genealogical) Websites.
Regarding the "Deceased"; even, the recently "Deceased" ...
One should 'never look at life through Rose coloured Glasses' ...
We should NOT 'Whitewash' History - it is what it is ('warts and all') ...
[ But, I agree, that some DOES NOT need to be 'Aired" in Public ... ]
Plus, as an EXAMPLE, look at the GRO for England and Wales, NOW ...
▬ Adding "Births" past 1919 (and, still being added to).
... [They go right up to 2019; but, DON'T include Mother's "Maiden", yet]
▬ Adding "Deaths" right up until 2019
As well as, UK "Probate" Records, right up to 2020 (and beyond).
Almost NOTHING is "Sacred" (ie. Private), any more, in this "Digital" Age.
In fact, it is much EASIER to GET (ie. Obtain) Information/Details about the "Living" from OTHER means (ie. Government; and, Business), than it is through these various Genealogical Forums.
I am MORE concerned about the OTHER means (ie. Government; and, Business) - that is actually FRIGHTENING, what is out there (and, available) in the Public arena, these days.
Just my thoughts.
ps: I have seem much worse in other website forums