Missing Events in the Time Line?

I find the Time-Line to be a superb feature. For now, I think it is very well designed.
Well, in the list of events to be added, I don't see 'Education' which is among the most important events in a life time. You know, what school the person has attended, when started and when graduated or leaved.
I also miss 'Travel' event but it can be added as a Custom Event while the 'Education' should be listed as a separated option in my view. The same as Military Service.
What's your thoughts about it?
Best Answer
Hi, MrBlond. Thank you for your very excellent suggestions. Here is the link to the specific place for suggesting improvements and enhancements: https://community.familysearch.org/en/categories/familysearch-community.
I am trying to understand what it is that you are asking. Are your comments about the new FamilySearch Community platform or are you asking a question about a certain group? If you can be more specific, I would love to add my opinion or help.
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If you know the "Time Line" feature in this web site, you will understand what I mean.
Actually my question is:
Why "Education" is not in the list of options together with "Military Service" and the other Event options within "Time-Line" feature?