Maintaining FHC Computers During Lockdown

Even though Lockdown has closed our Family History Centres, it is essential that all of our Centre computers are up to date in terms of Operating System Updates and Hardware Updates. If you can visit your Centre - one qualified T&FHC, as per Lockdown regulations - and run Windows Updates on each computer (you can do this concurrently), remembering to include Device Updates, this will maintain the workability of our computers and make sure they are ready for further use when that wonderful moment arrives when we can once again meet in our Centres.
In our post Windows 7 era, there are many older 9030 or 7440 Dell computers that failed the server powered update to Windows 10 last year and there may be newer computers, which have failed initialisation when first run. Please call FamilySearch Support for help in either Upgrading to or Re-installing the Windows 10 Pro OS, for these computers.
Elder Beck
Best Answers
This information about maintaining Family History Center Computers was found at the FHC Technical Support (North America) Group.
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Great Advice. Thank you!