Relatives at RootsTech

Relatives at RootsTech
One of our most popular RootsTech features is Relatives at RootsTech, we are so glad to be able to do it online at RootsTech Connect.
There are two ways to opt into Relatives at RootsTech for you and all attendees.
- Visit complete the short form and opt into the Relatives at RootsTech feature.
- Open the FamilySearch Tree app and select the purple banner at the top of the screen and follow the steps.
Attendees are not required to participate, but to see and connect with their relatives, they must be logged in on with their FamilySearch credentials.
If attendees are not finding a lot of relatives at the conference, they may need to deepen the generations on their tree. Help them where you can to add more people or upload their tree from another partner site or a gedcom file. The article below may help you to help them.
Another reason may be there are not other relatives yet connected to the conference. Attendees can see other people attending with the same surname and make connections that may deepen their tree.
If you run into other questions about Relatives at RootsTech, please consult the FAQ page here:
Is there a way to search for relatives on your maternal or paternal line? It thought that was an option in the RootsTech app last year, but I have not seen that option in Relatives at RootsTeach this year.
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How long will the relative list show if you do not add a person as your friend? (I know the friends list says it will be available until Mar 20.)
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I am struggling to sign in to Relatives at RootsTech. If I try to change my profile name I get an error message showing all the characters I can't use - except I'm not trying to use any of these characters.
If I leave the pre-populated name as the default to avoid the error and just hit Save and continue, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
I would humbly suggest, that Relatives at RootsTech (for) 2022, would NOT, be operational; as, of yet ...
This post, is for Relatives at RootsTech (for) 2021 (ie. LAST Year) - NOT this Year of 2022.
As an aside ...
IF, you NEED to amend/address your "Profile", in 'FamilySearch' (ie. NOT, this Forum); THEN, you can do so, in your "Settings", in your 'FamilySearch' Account.
Here is the link/URL, to your "Settings", in 'FamilySearch':
Where, you can "Change", whatever you need.
Plus ...
Here is the DIRECT link/URL, to your "Profile", to your "Settings", in 'FamilySearch':
Good Luck.
Whereas ...
IF, you want to amend/address your "Profile", in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; THEN, that is another matter; and, if so, please advise.
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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Relatives at RootsTech is live for 2022 - became live on February 18th.
Sign in with your FamilySearch account - your profile name is your FamilySearch profile name. Perhaps if you are trying to change it, you are running into other people who have the name you are wanting to use. Is there some reason you are wanting to change your profile name?
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I just want to say, GOOD JOB! RootsTech Relatives is so much improved this year! Last year there were extreme limitations with seeing relatives. I particularly like that I can pick an ancestor and RT Relatives only shows me cousins that have that same common ancestor. I can't say enough good about this!
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Thank you for asking the question. Yes! There is a way to only look at your paternal or maternal relatives.
There's a funny triangle of short lines that appears to the right. See red circle in image above. When you select it you get the option to see All or Maternal or Paternal. In addition, you can select exactly which ancestor you want to work with by selecting the BY ANCENSOR option.
I hope this helps.
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I can only get my maternal relatives to show up. Is there a problem with the paternal link?
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The paternal link is working just fine. Out of tens of thousands of connections - I have 10 on my paternal line - most my own immediate family.
Check your paternal line in the Family Tree to make sure there aren't any broken relationships.
Also, it may just mean that no one from your paternal line is participating in Relatives at RootsTech.
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I see no relatives from my paternal line. I selected Paternal line and there are none. It is hard to believe that there are no paternal relatives participating in Roots Tech. Could there be something else I should check?
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Try clicking on "By Ancestor" then in the box below, click on the down arrow to select one of your ancestors from your father's line. Then you can view the people related to you on that direct line.
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I cannot emphasize enough how helpful Relatives at RootsTech had been for me and my research. Would love to have it up all year long.
Thank you!
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Totally agree that Relatives at RootTech was very helpful. Fun too. Thanks so much. It worked better for me than any previous Message attempt.