Copy of Reservation List
I would love to be able to print off the total list of my reserved temple reservations so I can have a paper copy. I tried to print it off, but it will only print the first 8. I have about 58 reserved, and would really appreciate it if you could give an option to print off the whole list, not just individual cards. Please consider it.
Great suggestion/request.
That would be useful.
And ...
As an aside ...
'Yes', unfortunately, when 'FamilySearch' recently went AWAY from that 'One Long', CONTINUOUS, "List" of Our "Temple" 'Reservations', to those (lets say, "Disappointing") "Pages", a few things NO LONGER worked.
Being able to just "Print" that 'One Long', CONTINUOUS, "List" of Our "Temple" 'Reservations'; as, you have suggested/requested, is one of them.
Another, is that you CANNOT "Select" THREE (x3) individuals/persons to "Print", on ONE, A4 Sheet of Paper, UNLESS they are ON the SAME "Page".
The latter is VERY "Disappointing" indeed; and, very inconvenient, a WASTE of "Paper"; plus, not to mention, UNCESSISARILY "Costly".
Again, great suggestion/request.
ps: The latter has previously been raised; but, we have been advised ... there is NO going BACK ...
..... We are now 'stuck' with those ("Disappointing") "Pages" ... like it or not ...
..... The worst bit is, that we DID NOT have any say on it ... just foisted upon us ...