Helper Number access
Please move the Helper Number access back to the same page as the username. We have so many patron who are very old, deaf and computer illiterate it would be nice to make it easier for them to find the needed information.
I totally understand your suggested enhancement to a Users/Patrons "Settings".
[ Been there, done that ... still do ... ]
And, would certainly appreciate 'FamilySearch' implementing such.
But ...
That said ...
Just a thought ...
Can I humbly suggest a minor 'Tweak', to your suggested enhancement ...
How about, having that "Helper Access" being the Users/Patrons "Helper Number" DUPLIACTED in, BOTH, those 'Tabs", (1) Account; and, (2) Permissions.
The reason I suggest such is that 'technically' that "Helper Access" being the Users/Patrons "Helper Number" is a (form of) PERMISSION.
And, in having that "Helper Access" being the Users/Patrons "Helper Number" in both 'Tabs' covers, both, the PERSMISSION aspect; and, the difficulties (we) encountered (everyday) when trying to "Help" (Others); especially, remotely.
Again, just a thought.