Mobile Indexing
Please provide a mobile-friendly method to do indexing. Smart phones are so much more prevalent today and easier to access than desktop\laptop computers, especially for youth.
I think Ron Tanner said they were working on it if I remember correctly.
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Just my thoughts ...
Mobile Phones; and, Tablets, certainly MAY be,
(1) "... much more prevalent today ..."; and,
(2) "... easier to access than desktop\laptop computers ..."; and,
(2) handy; especially, for the youth and younger generations ...
But ...
That said ...
I would suggest that ...
Mobile Phones; and, Tablets, would NOT be conducive to GOOD "Indexing".
"Indexing" is about QUALITY, not "Quantity".
Sometimes, it is hard enough, to try to work out what appears on a Record, to be Indexed, on a (large) Screen/Monitor of a Computer, let alone the (small) screen of a, Mobile Phone; and/or, (even, 10+") Tablet.
Personally, I would prefer that "Indexing" was NOT available on, Mobile Phones; and, Tablets, purely for QUALITY (Control).
I am sure that "Indexing" will eventually be available on, Mobile Phones; and, Tablets; but, I dread to thing of the QUALITY of that "Indexing".
Again, just my thoughts.
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Many pepople without tablets, destop, o laptop computers are waiting.
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It's so easy to enlarge what you're looking at on mobile devices, and that's what most youth (who also have better eyesight) have access to and use, that I very much think it's a good idea to have a mobile app. I am a FH specialist and just got asked (last minute due to another's illness) to teach the youth about family search and indexing tonight, and I KNOW that the lack of mobile indexing will present a barrier. Not an impassable barrier for most kids in my ward, but a barrier nevertheless.
I may be old, but I know there's a ton to be gained by new technologies. I remember thinking that public indexing was too fraught with potential for error, but obviously the good we've gained far outweighs the errors. If you really want to see disasters, look at the records done 50, 100, 150 years ago, when everything was handwritten in tiny cramped spaces. It's ridiculous and chock full of errors and omissions. But it's what they had, and what we have to work from.
I'm excited about a mobile app!