Add an option to save books in the library to your own account
I would like to be able to save books that I find in the Family Search website library. I came across this book:
I cannot read it right now. I wish there was a way I could save it to my FS account (not family tree; not person page). If I find a book on I can click a start and it will go to my favorites and I can come back to it when I want to. I'm looking for something similar.
You actually CAN do that - although I wish it was a bit cleaner.
the link you refer to does allow a PDF download - and you can then inturn upload it to a FS memories album
as an example here is the same book now in one of my albums:
I have uploaded numerous books to FS memories -
here is an entire album of over 200 examples:
also another even simpler way - is to simply create a FS memories STORIES item with a URL to the item of question
here is an example of that - though it doesnt go to a book - it goes to a YOUTUBE video
you can even creat albums (folders) speciifc to a given subject - so you can group things by subject