Entry Field Lock
As a reviewer I find it very helpful and speed increasing to rearrange the order of entry fields to match order of the fields on the document. However, occasionally while entering data, I ACCIDENTALLY move an entry field to a wrong place. This happens when I accidentally invoke the move field icon, spin the mouse ball, and the entry field takes off to somewhere. Then I have to do some reordering again. It would be helpful if there was something like a "Lock Fields Order? ()y or ()n" option perhaps just below the "Entry __ of __" location. Before a field could be relocated, the ()n must be checked. It would stay as checked, from document to document, until changed by the Indexer.
I am well aware that 'Posts' in this (New) IDEAS Forum are monitored by "Official 'FamilySearch' Representatives" ...
But ...
That said ...
As an aside ...
Can I humbly suggest, if you have not already done so, that you consider raising this matter (ie. what is in this 'Post' of yours) in the specific 'Group' being "Indexing Chat" in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Indexing Chat
There are many 'active' members of that 'Group' who are very experiences "Indexers"; and, have a wealth of knowledge and experience, that may have some ideas or 'work arounds' for what you are discussing.
I am not detracting from your 'Post' in any way ...
I just know that, some of those experienced "Indexers", in that 'Group' being "Indexing Chat", in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, know of a few little helpful 'tricks up their sleeves' ...
Nothing ventured, nothing gained ...
Jus my thoughts.