Recent Changes to Colour Coding for Ordinance Work
Sharon Morgan said: I have a concern that I would like to share with you today I have been pondering over the recent changes to the colour coding system used on Family Search as you are well aware recent changes have reduced the number of colours used. I feel that these changes will cause problems when the temples reopen for usual service. The old colours that were used were easy to identify the different stages of ordinance work (eg. Red = on shared system, Brown = printed by a temple somewhere in the world and work in progress, white = work not needed to be done or not available to be done yet as needs more information, Light Green = work ready to be done, Light Grey = work completed, Dark Green = Work Printed off) As soon as you saw the colour you knew exactly what stage the person ordinance was at whereas now you have to look closely at the very small writing next to the ordinance box. If like myself your eyesight is limited this has made it difficult to see plus the colour now used is Navy Blue with this alongside Dark Grey that has also made it very difficult to identify the difference. Plus using Bright Orange instead of White to show an ordinance is missing is very painful on the eyes to constantly be looking at such a bright colour. To be using one colour for everything (eg. Navy Blue = for ordinances that have been printed, put on shared system and those not yet printed) does not seem to make sense as this will cause confusion. I would like to make the suggestion to change the colours back to how they were before the change with the exception of Dark Green being used for printed cards it would be nice to have a different colour as Light and Dark Green can also be confusing (Dark = Printed, Light = Not Printed) also to take away the Dark Grey colour for Infants that have died as looking at the ordinance work it is very hard to tell that they are babies with all the ordinances boxes being one colour instead of how they used to be just the SP box being coloured. I hope you will consider the points I have made here and that you will agree that reducing the number of colours really has not helped the system.
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