Export more generations to Ancestry
Laura said: I'd like to have a tree in Ancestry so I can collaborate with DNA matches. The current option in Ancestry lets me sign in with my FamilySearch credentials, then it imports 4 generations from FamilySearch. This doesn't go far back enough for me to make helpful DNA connections, so I need to add all the other relatives by hand.
A larger tree export option from FamilySearch and import to Ancestry would let me copy over my tree instead of re-creating it on the other site
A larger tree export option from FamilySearch and import to Ancestry would let me copy over my tree instead of re-creating it on the other site
Brett said: Laura
I wonder if that is a "Limitation" applied by, either, "Ancestry.com"; and/or, "FamilySearch" - it may even be an agreed "Limitation" by both.
You may need to also address this directly to "Ancestry.com" as well.
Just my thoughts.
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Jordi Kloosterboer said: This takes more time and patience, but I import to RootsMagic and then to Ancestry to have my bigger tree on there to collaborate with people on there. It also helps me with see changes more easily because RootsMagic tracks all changes on all the people in the database:D0
Amy Archibald said: You can continue to add 4 generations to each of the end of line individuals from your first load into Ancestry. It only takes a few minutes.0
Robert Wren said: The FamilySearch/Ancestry link allows transfer of 4 generations at the 'end' of each 'line' - personally I think that's too many. After I first transferred the first four gens from FS, to Ancestry, I basically redid a great deal of decades of research within Ancestry within a year. I now use Ancestry as my "real tree" and use it to try correct/fix/repair my little branch in FSTree (and no one else can mess with my Ancestry Tree (unless I trust them & give permission.) I do also have Rootsmagic, but I don't seem to use it as much anymore.
The MyHeritage link is also 'helpful' and provides a lot of new & valid info, generally GOOD sources. BUT whenever it is synched, there are multiple changes made to both trees, but the do provide an reasonable report of what occurred. MyH has a GREAT 'consistency checker' which points MANY obvious errors in the synched tree. (I still have 2-300 to analyze.)0 -
Jordi Kloosterboer said: Oo that is cool!0
A van Helsdingen said: Laura, consider that non-Latter Day Saints are "limited" to 0 generations, i.e. they cannot use this feature. We'd be very grateful if we could export 4 generations.0
Brett said: A van Helsdingen
I would have thought that if a non-member had a "Subscription" Account with "Ancestry.com"; and, a "FamilySearch" Account; then, they too would be able to download x4 Generations at a time!
I have never tried it ...
Just wondering ...
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Robert Wren said: This FamilySearch/Ancestry was the result of a contractual agreement between the two parties, and anyone who meets the terms of that agreement can participate therein.
https://www.deseret.com/2014/2/6/2053...0 -
A van Helsdingen said: These make it very clear that all the features linking FS and Ancestry accounts are Latter Day Saint only.0
ATP said: A van Helsdingen, good point. Why should LDS church members get "free" subscriptions to ancestry.com and then ancestry.com charge subscription fees of those who are not members of the LDS church to use LDS church members and non-members' hard-earned labor without paying for it?0
Jordi Kloosterboer said: Because the Church pays for it just like any other organisation whose members get things for "free" i'm sure. I don't think Ancestry would just agree to let a bunch of people use their services for free if they weren't getting a good deal about it. But it is interesting that only LDS can do the 4 generations import.0
A van Helsdingen said: As far as has been publically disclosed, no money flows from either the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or FamilySearch to Ancestry as part of the deal. Instead FamilySearch shares some of their records- mostly filmed and indexed by volunteers of all religions- and in exchange Ancestry gives all LDS members a free subscription. Ancestry can use those additional records to market their product and to justify higher fees.0
Robert Wren said: I believe that is correct. Perhaps you can ask to view the contract/agreement. I imagine both parties got something they wanted, the same holds true for most contracts.0
ATP said: A van Helsdingen, if you construe my comment as ".. money flows from either the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or FamilySearch to Ancestry...", then others may very well construe my comment in the same way and I want to make it clear that I do not believe any "money flows" from Church sources or familysearch sources to ancestry.com or any other subscription entity as any part of any deal or vice-versa. I am absolutely confident that is not the case. And, I wish to make sure that my comment is understood in the context in which I intended. I apologize for any misunderstanding.0
A van Helsdingen said: We seem to be in agreement then, that as neither FamilySearch or the LDS Church is paying for the "free" subscriptions, then it is not fair, particularly for non-LDS indexers and volunteers who created the records given by FamilySearch to Ancestry.
This topic has been discussed periodically on this forum over the last two years. FamilySearch seems unlikely to change their position on this issue or the related issue of some collections on FamilySearch being more accessible by Latter Day Saints than the rest of the public. If you are a paying Ancestry subscriber, then you should voice your displeasure with them.0 -
ATP said: A van Helsdingen,
Could you please point me to what forum this topic appears, if you will. I would like to see others' viewpoints. Yes, we are in agreement.
I do not subscribe to any paying genealogy site. I am well aware of the difference in the types of records accessible in those various paid subscription sites; however, familysearch.org has most all the primary records needed, at least in the USA, since 1850, with which to research the vitals of my family lines; and before that time, and with the exception of deeds' records, notably, has wills and estate settlements to continue family lines backward in time, as well as census records of US heads of households from the beginning in 1790. Other records needed not available on familysearch.org are available for research free on other sites. And, I have documented lines well back into the early 1600s.
Without the documenting primary records validating the vitals of birth, marriage, and death, names become little more than a part of a collection of names; and, as do coin and stamp collectors expand their collections with items of worth, for a credible family history so should family historians enlarge and expand a family history with tested and credible documentation.
Paraphrasing Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASC, family history is not a game of Scrabble, it's "...Truth or Consequences..." and when we make bad pays, or others impose bad plays on the board, then everyone suffers the consequences. Thanking her for her great knowledge of how to produce credible "....records of our dead, worthy of all acceptation."
Thanks for your input, A van Helsdingen.0 -
A van Helsdingen said: Discussion on this forum about the access/use privileges of LDS as compared to non-LDS has tended to focus on FamilySearch records as opposed to the deals between FS and Ancestry.com, MyHeritage and FindMyPast.
Here are just 2 examples:
There are plenty of others, more than I remembered, looking back through the history of threads I've participated in. Many are more arguments than discussions, since this issue has proved to be controversial and divisive.0 -
ATP said: A van Helsdingen,
Disregard the request for you to point me to the forum discussing this issue. I've found it. I've not been on familysearch.org but for several months, and considering all the duplicates in my family lines and the "mess on the game board" I only recently came to the feedback site to see if I were missing something to make it easier to clean up and provide a validated record of my family lines on familysearch.org.
I have taught genealogy classes and was trained by a professional genealogist, so I mostly know what to look for, where to look for records and how to work around "brick walls", which is to say I am not a new researcher and having to merge and consolidate so many records has been very discouraging. And, with few exceptions, I have found that many people on this feedback site find themselves having the same questions I have and for a far longer period of time. Thanks again for your input in the other areas where I have encountered your name.0 -
A van Helsdingen said: 1. The fact that some records on FS cannot be acessed by Latter Day Saints at their home is not really relevant, because non-LDS will have either worse or equal access conditions to those records. I challenge you to show me a record set on FamilySearch that non-LDS can view while LDS cannot, or that non-LDS get better access to than LDS.
2. In this context, indexing and any possible rewards for it is completely irrelevant. We are discussing the free subscriptions that LDS get at Ancestry.
3. "We hear a lot, about people being up-set that Members of the Church get FREE access to "Ancestry.com"; and, "FindMyPast"; and, "MyHetigage"; and, the like; but, what most who are up-set are NOT aware of, is that such FREE access is a very "Limited" access;"
According to Ancestry, "99%" of collections can be viewed with the free LDS account. If this is not correct, you should speak to FamilySearch or Ancestry.
4. FamilySearch is a volunteer-driven organisation, and their volunteers come from a very diverse set of religious backgrounds. You seem to be claiming that all or nearly all FS volunteers are LDS, and that justifies LDS, even if they don't volunteer, getting special priviliges.
5. Tithes are voluntary and optional. Donating to FS is also voluntary and optional. In both cases whether to contribute is a personal question of conscience, but you will have to live with the consequences of your decision. You can't say that tithepayers deserve credit and reward while simultanously saying that FS volunteers and donors should expect nothing.0 -
A van Helsdingen said: The 99% figure can be found here: https://support.ancestry.com/s/articl...
Down the bottom it is pointed out that you can purchase a pay-per-view membership to view the remaining 1% of records.0 -
Brett said: A van Helsdingen
Matters not.
And, I can assure you that it is certainly NOT 99% - nowhere near that.
Regardless, If you cannot accept what I have said previously; then, there is not much more to say on the matter.
You just will not be swayed.
That in itself is just disappointing and sad.
Even more so, that you do not seem appreciate what the Church provides; and, has been doing for well over 100 years now.
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A van Helsdingen said: I certainly appreciate every single donation and volunteering resource given to FamilySearch over the decades, regardless of the religion of the donor/organisation- unlike your approach of only acknowledging donations by Latter Day Saints and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
When it comes to donations by LDS members your approach is to think that it is justified to reward these donors, for example with free 99% subscriptions to Ancestry.
But when it comes to donations by non-LDS, you keep repeating that these people deserve nothing.
Doing "Indexing" (whether by a, Member of the Church; or, non-member) is purely VOLUNTARY; and, should be entered into WITHOUT any expectation of REWARD or REMUNERATION, of any sort.
It is starting to become disrespectful and ungrateful to Indexers and donors (both non-LDS and LDS) when you keep parroting those same lines.0 -
Brett said: A van Helsdingen
I acknowledge the efforts/contributions of non-members who, (1) Volunteer with "Indexing"; or, (2) "Donate" to the Church; and/or, "FamilySearch"; or, (3) are Staff Members at our "Family History Centres"; and, do so, in person, in many direct ways - almost each and every day.
As I stated, I have been in contact and dealing with, in person, all three (x3) types of non-members over the years, not to mention the non-members who just want "Help" - and, their gratitude for for the Church in regard to Genealogy/Family History Work is self evident - they want to give, rather than receive.
Oh, and, 'Yes', I ALSO acknowledge the efforts/contributions of Members of the Church who, (1) Volunteer with "Indexing"; or, (2) "Donate" their time and effort to the Church; and/or, "FamilySearch"; or, (3) are Staff Members at our "Family History Centres"; and, also do so, in person, as well - almost each and every day.
I do not discriminate with regard to such.
ps: I keep 'parroting' those lines; because, it is true, regardless of whether or not you feel/consider those lines as being disrespectful and ungrateful.
ps: Lets agree, to disagree - enough said.
This discussion has been closed.