Show cremation data in "Vitals" section, not "Other Information" section.
Yolanda Marie Klingler said: I wish fields for entering cremation data was located in the "Vitals" section rather than the "Other Information" section. That just makes more sense and ensures that family members will more readily discover that the person was cremated versus buried.
Tom Huber said: Welcome to the community-powered feedback forum for FamilySearch. FamilySearch personnel read every discussion thread and may or may not respond as their time permits. We all share an active interest in using the resources of this site and as users, we have various levels of knowledge and experience and do our best to help each other with concerns, issues, and/or questions.
The separation of the VItals and "Other" sections goes back to the days of the paper group sheets where there was no "Other" section. Cremation is not a vital (death is). If the body was cremated and the remains not buried, then the burial information should be left blank.
In my opinion, the only reason that FS is still maintaining a Vitals" section is for the basic life events -- birth and death and facts (birth name and sex) --is the first that one sees. Both Christening and Burial can be used as an indicator of birth and death, respectively, so they are recorded there, as well.
In my opinion, there should be no separation between the two sections. The information recorded in both Vitals and Other make up the events and facts involving the individual.
If the two are joined, then a simple switch should display just the Vitals, or the combination of all events and facts.0
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