Connect my tree to my sister's tree

My sister just got the app and has a blank tree. Mine is very full. She doesn't want to go through the work of manually entering names and info since I already have done that in my tree. How do I share or connect my tree to hers, so that she has everything I've done?
Best Answer
I don't know if this will help but your sister will need to manually enter any living people into her tree. i.e. if your parents are still alive she will need to add them to her tree manually which isn't too time consuming since it is just full name, birth date and birth place. If your grandparents are still alive she will need to do the same with them. If your great grandparents are deceased then she can add them to her tree using the ID numbers that you can give her. Once she enters this first deceased generation then everything will populate automatically behind that person. So she will need to do a little manual labor but not too much.
any entries for living persons can only be seen on the account they were created on.
So for those living persons - if you wan tthem to show on both accounts - you wil need to add them to both accounts.
This is intentional and by design so as to protect info for living people.
see info on Private Space
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@RachelBonar RachelBonar Once your sister adds accounts of living people, she can use the ID’s of the deceased in your tree to add generations in her account. Once she adds an ancestor, the ancestors attached to that person will show as well. She won’t have to manually enter all the names. Let us know if you need more assistance.
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The purpose of Family Tree is to allow family members to work together to build their family tree. since your sister has a Family Search account you can collaborate. However, you will only be able to share information relating to deceased persons in the tree.
Your sister will not see any living people you have entered into the tree, and you will not see any living people your sister has entered, as living people are stored in the contributor’s private space to protect privacy.
We currently do not have a way for a family group to share a private space and work together on it. Multiple users can enter a record for the same living person into their own private space.
- Each record has a different ID number.
- Each record is visible only to the user who entered it.
- When you change a record in your private space, it does not change the same person's record in another user's private space.
- After a person dies, family members need to make all separate records in their private spaces public and then merge them.
Adding living generations connects you to your deceased ancestors. For example, adding your living parents allows you to connect back to your deceased grandparents. Deceased people can be searched for by ID.
Please also look at these articles in the Help Centre -
How does Family Tree protect the privacy of living people?
Can my living relatives share a Family Tree private space to work together?
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Votre sœur est obligé d' inscrire Toutes les personnes vivantes , mais ils n'auront pas le même identifiant, par contre des que vous rajoutez des personnes décédées ils auront tous le même identifiant chaque fois que vous les inscriraient dans un arbre.
si vous ne mettez pas le même identifiant, vous allez créer un doublon.