My Grandmother was unmarried when she became pregnant. I get a reminder to fill in my grandfather's

then thats up to you - - - you cant update something you dont know
and even if you do know - if you dont want to add it - that totally up to you . . .
any specific question you are asking?
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My grandmother was born out of wedlock and her natural parents never married. We have entered information on both her natural father and her natural mother. This automatically put that couple in as married, which they never actually were. Perhaps it would be helpful for "not married" to be an option. That could help stop the reminders to put in a marriage date, since there isn't one. Also, she is sealed to both sets of parents, natural and step-father/mother.
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Firstly, this might have put these parents into a "couple relationship", but a marriage conclusion is only suggested if a user adds a marriage event to the couple.
Secondly, you can add your grandmother to a relationship with her natural parents individually, then remove them from a couple relationship, if you wish.
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"This automatically put that couple in as married" It doesn't happen automatically, it depends on how you enter them.
Entering the first parent is easy. You click on "+Add Parent". It's how you enter the second parent that makes the difference. If you click on "+Add Spouse" you will get a couple, as you have found. Instead, click on "+Add Parent" again and you can enter the second parent completely independent of the first.
But also consider that just because they weren't married doesn't mean they weren't a couple. Even if just for a short time. How you want them shown is up to you. The system is flexible enough to cope.