I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with Julia Mann born in Canada to Herman & Kenny Mann in 18

I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with Julia Mann born in Canada to Herman & Kenny Mann in 1860. She immigrated to Michigan in 1880 and married to Leo Gumbleton in Detroit, Michigan and they had about eight children.
I can't locate her birth record in Canada?
Something is wrong?
Best Answer
What do you mean by "something is wrong"
First of all - dont just assume that an official birth record must exst in the first place.
Most official birth certificates - are a thing of the 20th century and didnt exist before that - though I dont know about Canada.
births could also be recorded in Family Bibles and other family records.
Just because you dont find a birth record on file - dont think that it means something is wrong.
1) Not all of FamilySearch records are totally complete and comprehensive
2) Some records may have been lost or destroyed
3) Some records may have never existed in the first place (on official records)
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