Indexing specialist

Best Answer
@Vince Fuller
Good question ...
Just my thoughts ...
Short Answer: 'Yes', definitely ...
I am certain, that in some, Stakes/Districts; and/or, Wards/Branches, that there are some Members (of the Church) who are 'Called' (or, even, just "Assigned") as "Indexing" Specialists ... like the OLD calling of "Stake, Director Indexing".
Individual, Stakes/Districts; and/or, Wards/Branches, CAN certainly 'Call' Members (of the Church) as, "Stake/District, Temple and Family History, Consultant"; and/or, "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Consultant"; AND, assign them as "Indexing" Specialists - there is NOTHING stopping that.
In fact, you would EXPECT, the "Administrators" (ie. "Admins"/"Group Leaders") of the respective "Indexing" 'Groups' of, a Stake/District; and/or, a Ward/Branch, TO BE (/would be) "Indexing" Specialists, 'in their OWN Right' - they REALLY should be.
Again, just my thoughts ...
I hope this helps.
And ...
As an aside ...
I am "Tagging" this (General) 'Question' of yours in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, to some specific 'Groups' in the Forum being:
(1) "All Temple & Family History Consultants"; and,
(2) "Temple & Family History Callings UK/IR"
in the hope that, the members of those groups may be able to answer/assist; or, provide some other perspective.
@All Temple & Family History Consultants
@Temple & Family History Callings UK/IR
Actually there isn't an official calling for indexing specialist anymore. Indexing is part of family history and should be part of any Temple and Family history calling. There isn't a need for it to be called out specifically as long as it is realized it is part of family history. Those with Temple and Family history callings need to be aware of and including indexing as part of their callings. Hope this helps!
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Thanks for the information.
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"need" is a pretty strong word.
A bishopric could create any calling/assignment they feel would be helpful/beneficial.
but that doesnt make it an official "need" for all wards.
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A ward TFHC (Temple and Family History Consultant) can be asked to take on role of encouraging indexing, helping others etc within his ward likewise a Stake TFHC can be given the same role for the Stake but their actual calling title is ward or stake TFHC
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There is an official calling of "Indexing Worker" that can be selected in the LRC. This will allow the member who is called to this position to have access to the resources that they need.
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Though the -Indexing calling was eliminated from Stake and Ward TFH Consultants, a stake or a ward can designate one or more consultants to specialize in indexing. In my stake, we have an indexing leader.
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I recently received a calling - Temple and Family History consultant specialist over Indexing. My understanding is I will focus on indexing. I am unable to focus on a lot of different things, and this will help me to concentrate on one thing without wondering everywhere and not helping anyone. If someone has a question about Family History, How to Submit or preform temple ordinances, I will help them or find someone that can. My Bishop and his counselors prayed about it for me.
I hope this helps too.
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Brilliant, yes, that is exactly how it should happen, there is no such calling anymore as Indexing Leader, either Ward or Stake; all are called, just as you were, as a TFHC, either Ward or Stake with the focus, responsibility of indexing! Have fun in your new assignment so much to be done in indexing, it is wonderful that you can help your members learn about this great way of being involved!
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Hi Vince, the determination if your ward wants to focus on indexing and assign a temple and family history consultant to oversee those efforts, is completely determined by your local priesthood leadership. So if there is a need, it would be great to have someone lead indexing efforts in your unit. Just one thing, there is not a designated Indexing Specialist calling. If in Clerk and Leader Resources your clerk creates a custom calling, that person won't receive calling communications from FamilySearch. They should be called and set apart as a temple and family history consultant, then they can be given an assignment are within that calling. (Think of how Primary works - teachers are called to teach, but not set apart and assigned to a specific class.) Hope that helps!!
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To give a little background on the reason I asked the question as I was called as the T&FH Leader in November 2020, I found out that the Leader and Clerk resource page of had a area called Temple and Family History. Viewing the T&FH organization, I noticed there were called 6 Indexing "Workers" and 7 T&FH Consultants. I reasoned that the Indexing Workers should be released and called as T&FH consultants.
The other part of the "reasoning" was during the 2020 February Leadership Conference there was no mention of Indexing Workers or Specialists.
Thanks to all for your comments.
Thank you for your time.
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No, they should not have their callings changed. Indexing workers are called to index as their ward calling. Many people haven't heard about this, though. Some typical scenarios: A person is on church welfare and the Bishop asks them to index a certain number of hours a week as a way to show appreciation. Or someone is fighting an addiction and is not able to serve in the usual church callings. Or someone is homebound and wants a meaningful way to serve but is not able to put in the hours (12-15) required for a service mission such as FS Support or VROC.
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Thank you for your encouraging words
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Thanks to all for the comments.
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I am sorry, but I don't know what LRC stands for. I looked in the General Handbook and could not find this assignment, as others have mentioned.
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It is actually LCR which stands for Leadership and Clerk Resources!
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(the online resource and set of tools for and used by LDS leaders and clerks)
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LCR stands for Leader and Clerk Resources. It is the computer program ward and stake clerks use to enter in callings. The Indexing Worker calling is meant for those in the ward who only index - they are not consultants and don't have any of the responsibilities of a consultant or and indexing leader.
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Thank you - I figured that it must have something to do with the ward clerk, but just wasn't sure. I will pass this along to our Ward Temple and Family History leader
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@TLStansfield TLStansfield Will you look at this other thread and help them understand the difference between "indexing worker" and consultant with indexing responsibilities - thanks!
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@Amy Archibald I posted a response yesterday in the other group. Let me know if you think it needs additional commentary. Thank you!
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I have been trying to do some indexing but every time I try it says "An error has occurred that may affect your ability to use this page. FamilySearch has been notified". Is there a way to fix it?
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In my ward, I am the Group Administrator over all of the Indexers in my ward. In my ward, this is an assignment and not a calling. I am also a Temple and Family History Consultant. Also, I am a Reviewer. One of my titles is Family History Leader. This is different than the Family History Leader for a ward. The Indexers in my ward are called (name of ward) Indexing Group.