In my family tree, I have a father and son who emigrated from Norway. I want to see if I have any f

Nils Peter Strand (1833-1912), married to Martha A Anderson (1833-1914) moved to America with their son (born in Norway) Andrew Anders Strand (1863-1928)and maybe other children. I would like to know about their families in Norway and connect them to my American records. Any help would be appreciated.
Best Answers
Shari, Is all this on the family tree I'm looking at? Or do I need to navigate somewhere to see this? Also, I put a note on the "collaborate" tab on GHD9-HD1 which is the nils peter strand I have attached to my family tree. The Note is:
On my stepmother has the father of Nils Peter Strand listed as "Peder Milson (Strand?)" and born aproximately 1813 in Sweden. The following is the citation for a record that indicates this, but I don't know how to find that record in familysearch.
Citation Information
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Archives; Elk Grove Village, Illinois; Congregational Records
Source Information
U.S., Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Records, 1875-1940
Publisher Operations, Inc.
Publisher Date
Publisher Location
Provo, UT, USA
Repository Information
Last Changed: 19 January 2021 by
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Aha! Shari, you found the marriage record!
First a couple of fundamental principles: 1) Always look at the original record. 2) Always look at all available original records.)
You posted the Ministerialbok copy of the record found here:
which is not very informative.
The Klokkerbok copy of the record is much longer:
and includes vaccination information which I have found strangely helpful at times. In this case it says, "vaccinert efter Pastor P.O. Vigelinæs [maybe?] attest af 17de September 1860 (Attest fra Magneskorp Soga i Värmeland)"!!!
[Vaccinated by Pastor P. O. Vigelinæs, certificate dated 17th September 1860 (attest is from Magneskorp paish in Värmeland)]
This gives same birth place for Nils as the census, proving this is the correct marriage record and that Anders, despite what the census says, is his stepson.
I've got to run. I think this is the last evidence we need to get everything merged together and sources.
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Part 2:
Scanning through, there are a lot of Maria’s on the list. Also scanning through, all the Marthas are either Martha or Marthe. There are no Maritha so I can limit the search to mart**&etternamn=&kjonn=&rolle=barn&stilling_stand=&bustad=&fodestad=&fodselsaar=1834*|1835*|1836*|1837*|1838*&fodselsdato=&aar=&dpdato=&stadfesta=&sokn_kyrkje=&ekte_uekte=&vigd=&introd=&dpstad=&merknader=
That cuts it down to 41 result, six of which have patronymics and are not Andersdatters and three of which are Martinuis which can also be ignored.
The following of the remaining results have fathers named Anders Jensen:
born 17 April 1834 to Anders Jensen and Pernille Larsdatter at St. Ingvolstadeie
born 13 April 1836 to Anders Jensen and Pernille Larsdatter at St. Windhoeleie
(Could this be the same couple? Did the above die?)
Born 9 Dec 1873 to Anders Jensen and Elie Andersdatter at Nordre Lundseie
The next question is, did any of these three die young? Searching those transcriptions does not given any matches.
How about confirmation records? These have not been transcribed, so I’m going to skip those.
Who stuck around and got married?
Searching through the marriage records for Vang, there is the marriage record already found for Marthe and Nils and this one:
Marthe born in 1873 with father Anders Jensen at Nordre Lundseie.
So that eliminates one of the three possibilities leaving the two that suspiciously look like siblings. But that means there really should be a death record for the first Marthe between 1834 and 1836. Back to look again.
Hum, what about this record:
A Marthe Andersdatter born 1834 at St. Ingvolstadeie but to a Anders Larsen. She was 1/4 years old when she died
Need to go to the actual record and check the handwriting on that Larsen.
Here is the actual record:
It has really bad handwriting, but it does not say Larsen. That really looks like Jensen to me. Unfortunately, the Klokkerbok version of the record does not list her father’s name.
So this eliminates the first of the only three possibilities for Martha in Vang, leaving the one that has the best match between birth date and age at marriage.
@Peter Strand
For straters ...
Here are some articles, with places to search, in the 'FamilySearch' "Wiki":
Norway Genealogy
Norway Research Tips and Strategies
Norway Guided Research
Norway Record Finder
Norway Census' - FamilySearch Historical Records
And ...
As as an aside ...
I am "Tagging" this (General) 'Question' of yours, to the 'Group' being "Nordic Countries Research" (which includes: Norway), in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; so that, the members of that group can answer/assist you.
That 'Group' is "Public", if you wish to join.
I hope this helps.
@Nordic Countries Genealogy Research
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It's always helpful for others to see you have a tree in FamilySearch for Nils Peter Strand. You've indicated on that record that Nils P. was born in Sweden as indicated on a naturalization record. His son, Andrew shows a birthplace of Norway according to 1888 naturalization record.
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I have a theory about Anders and his birth. I'm working on proving I think the following is Anders christening and parents. I realize the birth date is 29 Jan and not 27 Jan as seen in U.S. records, but the mother's name is a good match and a father named Gunder is a good match along with the name Strand. Here is the christening for Anders to unmarried parents in Stor-Elvdal, Norway This record is also seen in FamilySearch with Anders named Anders Gundersen. and here is FS record: Name: Anders
Event Type: Christening
Event Date: 2 Apr 1863
Event Place: Stor Elvdal, Hedemarkens Amt, Norway
Event Place (Original): Stor Elvdal, Hedmark, Norway
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 29 Jan 1863
Father's Name: Gunder Ammunsen
Mother's Name: Marthe Andersdr
GS Film Number: 307255
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C42410-4
System Origin: ODM
Citing this Record
"Norway Baptisms, 1634-1927", database, FamilySearch ( : 23 June 2020), Anders, 1863.
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I didn't know there was a group like that. Thank you.
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I thought Anders father's name was Nils Peter Strand. I did originally think his father's name was Gunder but then it looked like I was wrong. I am so lost at this. I just want to be able to meet up with family from Scandanavia in a kind of reunion situation. Thank you for the help. It means a lot to me.
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The U.S. census indicates Nils Peter was a step-father to Anders. In order to meet with the correct family you'll need to do some research to prove who they are, otherwise you may have the wrong family. It would be important to find the marriage of Nils Peter to Marta (Marthe). They could have married in Norway or America. We don't know much about Marthe but I have theories yet unproven.
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Wow, that explains the issue. Thank you. I've got a long way to go but I never would have figured this out.
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Peter, you might find it interesting there is a Pauline Strand b. 1868 Norway who marries in 1891 in Cedar Lake, Barron, Wisconsin to Lars Ersvig (Ervick). Her parents are named Nils P. Strand and Martha A. This strongly looks like a sibling of your Anders but more study is needed. As yet, I have not searched for her Norway christening to learn more. I've added them to FamilySearch so I don't lose the info I have found, but I have not connected her to possible duplicate parents.
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Here is a caution: The birth record you list here has "Marthe Andersdatter Koppang fra Vang." In this same parish record, there is a marriage record for a Marte Andersdatter Koppang six years later to a Ole Gunnersen Elverum.
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Gordon, I'm so glad you would look this "story" over. I'd really like your assistance. I've struggled with finding information about Marte. There must a marriage somewhere for Marte to Nils Peter Strand because Marte's son, Anders is a step-son according to US 1900 Census.
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Here's something intriguing in the 1875 census found while trying to find anything about a possible Pauline Nilsdatter:
There is Nls Pederson from Sweden with wife Marthe Andersdatter from Vang. There are both Anders and Pauline as children along with others. One child born in Stor-Elvedalen. One clear step-daughter born in 1860.
It would be nice to find a marriage record and see if Anders was born before or after it and if he really is a Nilsen or not. An emigration record would also be nice to find.
Still no definite proof this is the right family, but it looks hopeful.
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I created a separate record in FS for Pauline because I wasn't sure she belonged to the same family. Please take a look and see what you think. Problem is the birth year is 1868. Did you notice in the above census two children born in 1865?
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I don't trust census records to be more than estimates until proven by other records. Here is the transcription of the birth record of a Pauline Nilsdatter that I am confident is the one in the census record. She is born in Hamar with correct parent on 18 Feb 1868, exactly what you found in the marriage record. If we can find an emigration record for her that fits and some reason to attach Strand to this family, I would be sure this is the same person.
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Gordon, what do you think of this possible emigration for Anders in 1885 leaving Lilleelvedalen?
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Regarding census accuracy, I don't find either Anders or Peder in the Hamar parish record where Pauline is born even though the census says they should be there.
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It's a little skimpy to know.
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Here is Nils Pedersen of Sweden with wife Marta Andersdatter and sons Anders and Peder in 1865 with all information matching nicely to be the same family as in the 1865 census with different birth places for the boys, which explains why they are not in the Hamar records. This would be easier if Nils would quit moving around.
One question though. Where is the Oline Olafsdatter listed in the 1875 census as Marthe's daughter? With grandparents? With Olaf? Interesting to see that Anders is now listed as being born in Storelvedalen about 1862. Is Storelvedalen the same as Stor-Elvedal? Are we heading back to that birth record for that Anders?
Next step is to see if Peder's birth record can be found in Vang.
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This is probably Peders birth record. The place and birth date, Vang 1865, fit well with the census and he has the correct parent names:
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(Avoid this potential confusion: There is also another Peder born in Vang in 1864 with parents Nils Peersen of Sweden and Marta Andersdatter. This Peder was illegitimate and his parents got married in Vang in later that year. I'm sure this is a different couple.)
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The other child in the 1875 census, Ida born 1870 in Stor-Elvedalen is almost certain to be the last entry on this page:
Much easier to read here:
Birth dates are given for the Nils and Marta of 1831 for both of them which are pretty close to census records giving 1833 and 1837 but do raise a concern, but even more exciting is that their marriage year is given as 1864, a year after Ander's birth date in the census records.
But where is that marriage record? (getting to tired to think straight, will have to try tomorrow!)
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I've spent some time this morning looking for marriage records without any luck so far.
Thinking about things overnight, I am confident enough about Pauline's birth record and census record that I added information to her Family Tree page which caused some hints for marriage records for her children to pop up for her under the name Pauline Nilsen. Also, I found an extraction record for her birth and merged that in.
I have not added siblings yet from the 1975 census but that could be done. Not sure we should declare Peter's ancestor Andreas to be Pauline's half-brother yet, but it is looking very likely.
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I think Lena Strand L6PX-4LL is likely Oline Olafsdatter born in July 1859 (US 1900 census) and seen in the 1875 census as Oline. Your thoughts.
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1875 census for our candidate Anders Nilson (Andrew G. Strand) L2BL-5W2
says he is "their" child so this is a concern.
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Wow, I just logged in and see that you guys have gotten more done in 2 days than I did in 9 weeks!
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As I understand it, the birth father of Andrew G. Anders is Gundar, right? So to trace my ancestors back I need to look for his father and grandfather? Or would Nordic people consider the adoption and raising of a son to put him in the "strand" family line because nils peter strand adopted him?
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I'm not sure we're quite at the point of saying definitely how everyone links together, but things to seem to falling together. A missing piece is the marriage of Nils and Marta. If it is after Anders birth, then I would be convinced Shari found the right birth record for your Anders. If it is before, then we have a bit of a problem still!
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Gordon, what to you make of the word Jesen in the christening record for Peder. Have we seen this before? I didn't find a farm by that name.
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Peter, it is up to you to decide if you want to follow the blood line or the adopted line (or both). If your ancestor was born illegitimately as a potential record shows, that is a more difficult experience because we don't know much about that father. Of course we haven't yet decided for sure about the christening so that's still a work in progress. I don't think there was any formal adoption, just made it simple to use the same last name in America. He was living with mother and step-father by the last name of Strand (just my thoughts, no proof).
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Gordon, please remind me why this couple can't be a match for Marthe and Nils.
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Because I was tired, had looked at too many records, and apparently got confused. Looking back the other Peder I referred to above born in Vang was born in 1865, was uægte, and while his father was a Nils Peersen from Sweden, his mother was not a Martha Andersdatter. This just illustrates that one should take good notes, read all records at least three times, and get enough sleep.
So this is a good possibility for Nils and Martha's marriage record. My one concern is that this is then only record that has him as Peersen instead of Pedersen but those are equivalent names and I've found while working on my Swedish ancestors that Per and Peer are far more common than Peder in Sweden. My other concern is that under birthplace and residence for the groom, it does not have Sweden. Did the priest just not bother writing that and just give his current residence? On the positive side, Nils is listed as an Arbeider, and both their ages are consistent with other records.
I'll have to think about this a bit more.
Regarding Jesen, that would have been where Nils and Martha were living when Peder was born. They moved around more, I think, than anyone I have ever worked on before. There is a small area called Jesenbakken in Hamar:
so it could well have been near there. It may not have been a farm, just a smaller property.
Searching just using Jesen as the residence in the parish birth records in which Peders' birth record is found gives 34 results: