I have been viewing the Township papers,ca 1783-1870 and all at once it went to images not available

Best Answer
@Larrymcintosh1 Larrymcintosh1 - none of the camera icons in the index of the collection have a lock on them indicating some restriction. I suspect that you may have filled up the cache on your browser - that can happen when using FS for quite a while. Clear the Temporary Files on your browser, close the browser and reopen it. If you go back to the records they should work just fine.
If got please provide the URL for an image that says it can't be viewed.
@Larrymcintosh1 Larrymcintosh1
I just took a quick look, at some of the "Films", associated with that 'Link' you provided ...
The "Format", for the "Films", is a "Camera" Icon, indicating that those "Films" are 'On-Line', without "Restriction", available to view/access.
There DOES NOT appear to by any "Restrictions" (ie. NO "Key" Icon), above any of the "Camera" Icons.
I was able to view, a selection, of the "Images", associated with those some of the "Films".
As an aside ...
I am NOT from Canada ...
There is the very slim/slight possibility, that the "Films", cannot be viewed/access by a User/Patron, from Canada (or, even, just Ontario) - I am not saying there is, it is just another consideration.
IF, such is the case; THEN, those Users/Patrons who CANNOT view/access those "Films" will 'see', a "Key" Icon, above any of the "Camera" Icon.
Now ...
That said ...
Please be aware that the "Contractual Agreements/Arrangements" between, 'FamilySearch'; and the Record "Custodian", change and vary, constantly - it is an ever changing 'nightmare'- as to, WHAT; and, WHEN; and, by WHOM, the Records can be viewed/accessed.
In other words ... 'Here one day, gone the next' ...
Many of us have had that happen to us, over the years ...
That all depends on the Record "Custodian", not 'FamilySearch'.
Phew ...
All that said ...
Whereas ...
It could be as simple as, a momentary 'glitch' in the "System" (eg. a particular, "Server", outage); or, your INTERNET speed/access ...
IF, such is the case; THEN, give it some time and try again later ...
I know that this does not help; but, I hope this gives you some perspective.
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thanks for looking , after about an hour or more it returned so may have been a glitch somewhere. thanks again it is working now
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Beware - this issue may pop up from time to time. My wife works heavily in German records and every so often they will suddenly not be viewable. It happens of and on every so often. I wish the engineers could resolve this issue.