How to get Audio File on Slideshow to play

In an album on my gallery in FamilySearch. I uploaded an audio file. It will play on its own. However, I would like it to play during the slideshow but it does not. It is an M4a file and I am using a Mac with Chrome browser. I also tried with the Safari browser and it did not work. Can anyone help?
Best Answer
@CindyPrice CindyPrice
I am no expert with "Memories" ...
And, as far as I was aware, "Slideshows", could not be uploaded into 'FamilySearch'.
But ...
That said ...
I just did some research ...
I went through, these "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I upload memories to FamilySearch?
How do I upload audio files?
My audio file didn't upload
How do I delete an audio file on a photo?
How do I record a story about a photo or document?
Can I leave comments about the photos, stories, documents, and audio files in memories?
They did not seem to address the matter ...
Then, I did an INTERNET search ( ie. slideshow familysearch )...
Much better ...
They were in the, 'FamilySearch', "Blog"; and, "Wiki" ...
[ Blog ]
FamilySearch Updates Enhance your Experience
▬ Update: November 2, 2020—Share Slideshows on Memories
("Joyflips" is a "Third Party" Applications "Certified" to work with 'FamilySearch')
- - found in the "Solutions Gallery" of 'FamilySearch'
- -
Joyflips: Create Video Slideshows with Your Family and Share Memories
(An older one from 2019)
Add Audio to Pictures on
[ Wiki ]
(A reasonably old one, has not been updated since ... 5 February 2016)
Creating Family Slideshows
I have not looked through any; but, I thought that they may help.
FamilySearch introduced the FS Memories slideshow option in late 2020 I believe.
as far as I understood - it was merely an audio-less slideshow of the items in a FS ALBUM.
As you probably already know the slideshow option is one of the menu options on the album.
However - I also found this interesting article about a service via JoyFlips - which appears to have an audio option.