I have been unable to complete an upload of a gedcom file (31.6 MB) for 4 days. I get 1/2 way there

Hello Roger, Good question.
I looked on Solutions Gallery for Family Tree Maker here:
On Solutions Gallery it appears that uploading GEDCOM to FamilySearch is not offered. https://partners.familysearch.org/solutionsgallery/s/gallery-profile/a2R3Z00000LMEJLUA5/02422
So, it might be useful to call Family Tree Maker and ask them.
Do you have another genealogy software on your computer.
I can't know which one works now, but the Solutions Gallery is the place to find out.
Thank you
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The most probable issue is that your GEDCOM file is too large.
try uploading a smaller file to see if that makes a difference.
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@RogerThompson3 RogerThompson3
As as aside ...
NOT to do with "Family Tree Maker" ...
BUT, to do with a GEDCOM File ...
Where are you trying to ADD that GECOM File?
Into, the "Genealogies" Part of; OR, the "Family Tree" Part of, 'FamilySearch'?
They are two (x2), separate; and, distinct, parts of 'FamilySearch'.
The initial place, that one "Uploads", a GEDCOM File, is into the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch'.
Have you looked, in the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch', for you to see if the GEDCOM File was, in fact, "Uploaded"?
There is a likelihood, that the GEDCOM File, is "Uploaded" into the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch'.
Here is where the GEDCOM File will be located, if it is "Uploaded" into the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch':
That URL is unique/specific to each individual User/Patron.
IF, the GEDCOM File is NOT "Uploaded" there; THEN. please advise.
Please be aware that ...
GEDCOM Files that you 'upload' to the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch' are 'Static'; that is to say that:
(1) they are NOT part of "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; and,
(2) they are NOT connected/linked together; and.
(3) they CANNOT be "Edited" (ie. "Changed"); and,
(4) they can ONLY be "Deleted"; and, replaced by an updated version.
Basically, GEDCOM Files that you 'upload' to the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch' are for "Research" purposes ONLY - they can just be 'seen', by ALL Users/Patrons - NOTNING else.
And ...
Furthermore ...
That the SIZE of a GEDCOM File, can ONLY be up to, a maximum of, 100 MB.
IF, a GECOM File is any LARGER than 100 MB; THEN, I would suggest that such a large File will NOT "Upload".
I hope this helps.
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That would be incorrect. The website says "under 100mb" and gedcom uploads.
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I understand what it says - but I still think size may be the issue
try uploading a very small GEDCOM - just to prove that a small gedcom does indeed load
and let me know.
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you are not the first one to report this . . .
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https://www.familysearch.org/tree/import/files is where it is trying to go.
"Unable to upload your file, please try again later." is the error I receive with the gedcom I created and downloaded to myself in a file from ancestry.com. I am certain I followed directions exactly. My gedom is 36.6 MB.
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Nope. I made the gedcom with ancestry.com and it is 36.6 mb, clearly less than the max 100 gb.
Unable to upload your file, please try again later is the error I repeatedly get.
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A GEDCOM is totally independent of the application (FTM or Roots magic ect) that generates it
It should not matter what system created the GEDCOM - it should be uploadeable (if it meets the requirements)
though there may be issues in how long it takes to load - that it may time out.
(GEDCOM is a common format)
the screen shot above is referring to direct updates to FS (via APi interfaces) such as those called from RootsMagic, Ancetsry Quest etc.
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I have also seen the same sort of error myself.
I dont know if its just a plain bug - or if the upload process is timign out - - but Yes - it does go against the directions/reqsuisites posted
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That is ridiculous. I can’t delete files I have been building for 20 years!!!
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It is a glitch and needs to be addressed
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Thanks. I am visiting daughter with google fiber and super fast internet. Will try that
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Im not saying you have to do that.
Im just saying that Im guessing the issue is related to the time it takes to upload.
and that with bigger files it "times out". a little test of that would prove us right or wrong.
with that information we can report that to the FamilySearch engineers and they can work to resolve it - so that you can uload your entire file.
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Thanks. Actually the issue it timing out on the upload from our home internet. I have a friend with another account I helped upload a gedcom that was 10.1 mb as opposed to my 31.4 mb gedcom his went up very rapidly. I used ancestry.com to make the gedcoms for both his and mine. I hope you can help. I will be traveling to K.C. to use my daughter’s Google internet to see if that works, I guess. Hope your engineers can fix the issue. I guess I could put the file in dropbox or something and give you guys a link?
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keep in mind - most of us here in the community - are users just like you.
we are not paid employees of FS nor do many of us officially repesent FamilySEarch.
WE are just users trying to share our knowledge and help others.
That is the whole point of calling it "the community" - it is mainly a community of "FamilySearch Users"
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I understand your problem/issue ...
But ...
Unfortunately ...
The Programmers/Engineers cannot really do much, when a User/Patron has 'slow' INTERNET.
They have addressed/fixed many Parts of 'FamilySearch', due to Users/Patrons 'slow' INTERNET ...
Whereas, the "Upload" of a File (GEDCOM or not), is another matter.
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how long does it take between when the upload starts and when it generates a time out error?
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Your answer confused me
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Your answer has me confused and sounds like you just don’t want to help. I have also tethered to my cell phone which is quite fast with no luck.
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when you click on the button that starts the upload proces - how many seconds later does the error message come back that says you need to try later.
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like I said - we are just "users" just like you - we are not FamilySearch employees that could fix the bug.
We can try and share our experiences - to help you - - but most all of us here dont have the power to correct the bug.
However, I have made a post to the Ideas section of FS - in hopes that the engineers will see this and be able to look into it - and resolve the issue - so eventually you will be able to upload your gedcom.
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the progress bar goes to 1/2 then trips the error message. Maybe 30 seconds.
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yeh - one would think any max time out would be greater than 30 seconds.
I DONT think the reason is that you have a much slower Internet than everyone else.
but I do think it, indeed, may be a bug related to the timing of the upload.
I have reported it and hope a FS employee will look into it. . . . but based on past experience
Dont be holding your breath thinking this will get fixed in a day or two. . .
I will report back once I know anything.
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Contact support@familysearch.org. Give them all the details and someone will be able to help you get this resolved.
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Thanks for the reply. After complaining on here someone on site must have fixed the glitch. It just worked!
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great to know.
let us know of any thing else we can help you with.
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Just FYI, here is the thread that Dennis generated over in the Ideas area:
The "fix" to your problem may not have had anything to do with the discussion here. These types of timeout errors do occur occasionally due to temporary issues in the FS Server farm.
P.S. In the Ideas area, you'll need to set the "Sort By" selection to "Posting" in order to make any sense of the chronological sequence of those messages (and even then it is a reverse chronological display that you will get). Yea, it is a screwy default setting but it is what it is.