Fern Elizabeth Drowns (who is my mother) is shown in my family records to be deceased. Her birthday

Fern has three children: Jimmy Wayne Adair, Annette Lynne Adair Murri, Rodger Dean Adair. Please check and fix her place in her family tree. She is very much alive.
@MurriAnnetteLynne2 MurriAnnetteLynne2
IF, your Mother, is (inadvertently) recorded as "Deceased", in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; but, in fact, is STILL "Living"; THEN, as a "Registered" User/Patrons, YOU, yourself, can CORRECT that oversight.
We (Users/Patrons) all make mistakes ... none of us (Users/Patrons) are perfect.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any registered User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I change the status from deceased to living in Family Tree?
Where is states:
Protecting the privacy of individuals and families is a high priority at FamilySearch. As a result, the process of changing an individual's status from deceased to living can get a bit complicated, but in that process, we will do all we can to help you in your journey of discovering and connecting your family.
The process works differently depending on whether you are a contributor and how many contributors there are. Changing a person in Family Tree from deceased to living means that the record moves into one user's private space. If you are the only contributor, then the process is simple. The person moves into your private space. The process is more complicated and requires a system administrator if you are not a contributor or if the record has multiple contributors.
I hope this helps.
ps: Whereas, IF, you are referring to one of the many a "Records", from all around the World, in 'FamilySearch' (ie. "Search' Records); THEN, that is another matter entirely.