Question re DGS #8016550

I believe that this digitized film is only available at the SLC Family Library. Will it ever be made available to be viewed at a Family History Center? Or is there a way someone can do a look-up for me?
It is a record from a Catholic parish in Granne, Bialystok, Poland.
Thank you,
Kathleen Patrick
Best Answer
Dennis, DGS stands for "Digital Genealogical Society" and all digitised microfilms and digital images have a DGS number.
When logged in as a non-Latter Day Saint in New Zealand, I am told that the film with DGS number 8016550 is viewable from Family History Centers. Kathleen, once your local FHC is open again, you should be able to go there to view the film. But I would double-check this before going. Make sure you are logged into FamilySearch before using the Catalog, and check that when clicking on the camera and key symbol beside 8016550 you see a message that says the records can be viewed at a family history center. Sometimes the availability of films can be different in different countries.
the DGS prefix seems a bit strange - I would expect GS would mean "Group Sheet"
but as far as a micorifilm number: 8016550
That does translate to a microfilm about Poland
and searching on film/fiche number
see: History Library
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Thank you both for your responses.