Does FamilySearch work differently on a Chromebook running on Windows 10 than on regular computers?

@C. Kevin Anderson
I am sorry, I do not use the Browser of "ChomeBook" ...
Are you aware that "ChromeBook" is NOT one of the Four (x4) "Full" supported Browsers, by 'FamilySearch'.
Not all; but, some features/functions/facilities in 'FamilySearch' may NOT work with an unsupported "Browser".
The Four (x4) "Full" supported Browser, by 'FamilySearch' are:
[ Quote, from a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch': ]
Regardless of the OS you use, our website works with these fully supported browsers:
- Apple Safari—the current version and one previous
- Google Chrome—the current version and one previous
- Microsoft Edge—the current version and one previous
- Mozilla Firefox—the current version and one previous
Here is the "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
Which internet browsers are compatible?
I know that this does not help; but, I hope this gives some perspective.
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The unconnected person selection is always at the very bottom of the recents list (if I remember correctly). Have you gone through the entire list to look at the bottom of it?
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there was a change about 2 months ago - - the "add unconnected person" does not ALWAYS show on the recents list as it used to.
It now depends HOW you get to the recents list.
If you get to it from TREE - you see it - but if you get to it from FIND - you do not see it.
I dont know if this is a BUG or by design.
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If it is inconsistent, then it is probably by design 😜
Thanks Dennis!