Anyone expert on finding the actual naturalization papers ?

We have obtained the index card information. Have already hunted all websites available including FamilySearch images. Need William Heinze in Circuit Court #3 Jackson County, Missouri, vol. 35,
page 397.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Answer
That is interesting. If you search for Jackson county, Missouri Circuit Court you find it is currently the #16. Reading through the Court History you find that it has NEVER been #3 and that from about 1872 on, it has Circuit Court #24/16 has been exclusively Jackson county. So, pondering this, with the 1891 date on the naturalization record...I wonder if they skipped the Circuit Court number (assuming that it was just the Jackson County Circuit Court) and that the #3 refers to the division? In that case, Division 3 can be reached here:
Jackson county is not currently included in the Missouri State Archives' Naturalization Index, and I cannot locate a Jackson County Archive. However, there is a Jackson County Historical Society, someone there might be able to help you locate the record you are looking for.
Also, someone in the @Midwest group might be able to give other suggestions.