I am importing a GEDCOM file but saw that composed surnames were wrongly processed. When adding some

@Pascal Grostabussiat
Are you referring to uploading (ie. importing) a GEDCOM File into:
(1) "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch'; or,
(2) "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'?.
There is a DIFFERENCE in the answer, depending on where you uploaded the GEDCOM File in 'FamilySearch'.
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Search->Genealogies->"Submit your tree". In the GEDCOM file I have I for example have entries like:
1 NAME Rose Marie Thérèse/Mermet-Grandfille
Sometimes X-Y-Z as surname, but only the last name (Z) seems to be taken into consideration once ADD:ed into FamilySearch (even if displayed properly on the left-hand side).
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@Pascal Grostabussiat
OK ... "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch'.
Although, I am aware of GEDCOM Files ...
I DO NOT know how 'Hyphenated' Names are 'handled' in GEDCOM Files.
And, it depends on WHAT "Programme" that you used to "Create" the GEDCOM File.
Plus, was the Name 'Hyphenated' in the DATABASE from which you "Create" the GEDCOM File?
But ...
That said ...
Thinking out aloud here ...
It is possible that it is, the 'handling' of the 'Hyphenated' Names in the GEDCOM File (or, the DATABASE from which the GECOM File was "Created) that is the problem/issue, not the 'uploading' into the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch'.
I would have thought that "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch' would have accepted the 'Hyphenated' Name, 'As Is', provided that it is 'handled' OK in the GECOM File.
It may be worth investigating how 'Hyphenated' Names are 'handled' in GEDCOM Files.
[ It may finish up, that you have to manually "Edit" the GEDCOM File, as a "Text" File, to ENSURE that the 'Family Name'/'Surname' appears; as, a 'Hyphenated' Name ... I do not know, just a thought ]
Now ...
That said ...
You CANNOT "Edit"/"Change" a GEDCOM File uploaded into the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch'.
The ONLY option is to "Delete" a GEDCOM File and upload a new/amended version of the ("Deleted") GEDCOM File.
The "Files" in the "Genealogies" Part of 'FamilySearch' are, STATIC, for "Research" purposes ONLY.
I am sorry I cannot be of any great help.
ps: Perhaps another User/Patron with a better working knowledge of GECOM File, with regard to how 'Hyphenated' Names are 'handled' can provide some help/assistance.
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Thanks! The name is properly spelled in the input database and properly speed in the output GEDCOM file. It is also properly displayed after import in FamilySearch, but apparently the ADD function (just my guess) wrongly process it. I will check further in case hyphenation should be marked specifically. Thanks again for your help.
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Note: I also saw that if having "X Y Z" as surname (with spaces rather than hyphenation) the same thing happens, only Z remains as surname after the person has been ADD:ed.
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This definitely does look to be an improper handling of surnames when creating a new person record from your GEDCOM file using the GEDCOM compare tool. FS Engineers should have a look at it.
Please be aware that the GEDCOM compare tool has some pretty serious limitations. It can miss many pre-existing records that are already in the FSFT resulting in the creation of duplicates when you use the ADD function. Another concern I have is that the misinterpreting of surnames may also be affecting the Compare tool's ability to find that surname in the existing FSFT database.
So here's hoping that a FS Engineer spots this and looks into it.
However, this question (since it involves a software flaw) would be more appropriately posted in the Ideas area of the communities. I would suggest that it would be useful for you to copy and paste your original question from here into a new post in the Ideas area of the communities.
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Hi Jeff! I believe so too. Just add a post as an idea as you suggested.
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The URL to that detailed discussion is: